MovieChat Forums > Wishmaster (1997) Discussion > Make a wish that can be twisted..

Make a wish that can be twisted..

Simply make a wish that sounds good but then explain how it could be twisted against you.



I wish I could be like Wolverine (X-men). Twisted: I'd be turned into a wolerine. or I could say I'd wish to be Immortal Twisted: I'd be turned into a statue.

I always cheer for the bad guy!



I wish for world peace/(piece) lol.
fix world hunger (kill 4 billion people instantly)

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The point is, any wish that is for selfish motives and not carefully thought out can be twisted, especially if excessive greed is involved. I think the only wish that can't be twisted is, "I wish that everything I do is for the highest good of myself, for God, and for mankind" or something to that effect.


To wish for the highest good for yourself, God, and mankind would be twisted because it would not allow humans to evolve naturally to their highest good. Literature and movies are rife with examples of how speeded up evolution, especially for good, is followed by disaster. To name a few-Frankenstein (and the original golem tale) Forbidden Planet, anything at all involving AI, and the original Star Trek episodes Where No Man Has Gone Before, The Ultimate Computer, and That Which Survives. Also check out The Monkey's Paw, The Lottery, and The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas. That's the twist-nothing is free. There always has to be a balance.


you'd die instantly. the best outcome would be you not making one more wish. it'd be good for you, God, and humanity.


I'd wish for a million dollars in cash.... and it would probably end up to be all pennies which would weigh about a ton, and it would crush me and kill me where I stand.

-things I write on IMDB may come from my blog


If you wished to have all the powers of a djinn,

but got turned into a bottle of gin


Goddammit, my life is boring. Every day is exactly the same. I wish something would change.


Sex change.


My wish would be to... I don't know, I don't really have any desires. If I HAD to choose, then I would probably wish to be in peace. How would he twist it? By transporting me to a blank, black, empty void where there is no feeling or sensation of anything - temperature, height, nothing.



"I wish I could be a giant lottery winner!"

Weigh 300 pounds with a $1 winning ticket.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
