Best Line?
Momma said "aligators are honory cause they got all them teeth and no toothbrush." I crack up everytime i think about how he delivers it.
shareMomma said "aligators are honory cause they got all them teeth and no toothbrush." I crack up everytime i think about how he delivers it.
shareWho Dat? Who Dea?
shareYeah that is a good line and it is used with the New Orleans Saints. They always say Who Dat!
Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!
"Uhhherruuhhuhhhhh.... Wh-who dat? Who dere?"
share"Not only can I do that for you coach but....(stuttering and long pause) yes, yes I can do it for you" LOL, Adam delivers it perfect.
share"I happen to find Deputy Dog very very sexy"
share"whats the matter with you boy, you too to do what your coach tells ya?!?!"
"the waterboy really knocked the poop outta him."
My fave
Did they ever catch that gorilla that escaped from the zoo and punched you in the eye?
No.. mama.. the sesrch continues
nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)
Yes that is a good line there! LOL
Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!
"You know.. when I was your age my mother told me not to get a tattoo of Roy Orbison."
*undoes belt, pulls pants down, revealing a tattoo of Roy Orbison's face on the Coach's buttocks*
"But what Mama don't know, won't hurt her."
*Bobby stares with goofy smile, furrowed brow*
"I trust you'll make the right decision."
*pulls up pants, fastens belt, leaves"
I crack up every time I see this. Henry Winkler's delivery and facial expressions are absolutely hilarious.
The gorilla line was hilarious. My fav is that long intelligent response to Vikies inquiry about the astrologers.
Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega
the only part that still gets a laugh every time out of me is this one:
"I came back and crawled under my desk and I cried...I cried like a 10 year old girl-!"
*throws rock out window and hits Col. Sanders*
the sound he makes gets me rolling haha.
Some of my favorites
[when Dick Clark comes on the TV]
Bobby Boucher: Look Who's on TV mama... it's the devil.
[after watching Bobby tackle a player]
Paco: Look at Bobby tackle. I haven't seen a tackle like that since Joe Montana.
Walter: Joe Montana was a quarterback, you idiot.
Paco: I said Joe Mantegna.
Bobby Boucher: Good luck on the upcoming play.
West Mississippi Lineman: I'll be playing with your mama tonight.
Bobby Boucher: [stares at him] Sixty-two...
Coach Klein: Gatorade not only quenches your thirst better, it tastes better too.
Bobby Boucher: No, you people are drinkin the wrong water.
Coach Klein: Gatorade.
Bobby Boucher: H2O.
Coach Klein: Gatorade.
Bobby Boucher: H2O.
Coach Klein: [singing] Water sucks. It really, really sucks. Water sucks.
Even spell check thinks Obama is a mistake!