MovieChat Forums > The Waterboy (1998) Discussion > What's with all the love?

What's with all the love?

I'm sorry but I jut dont get how people could actually enjoy this movie
It's nothing short of trash and was just as bad as Jack and Jill, Sandler was painful unfunny and even Kathy Bates couldn't salvage what was a terrible, boring predictable film
I hate when people hype this up and say it's amazing like my now-ex and his friends said
It was terribl, so terrible I dumped the guy on the spot for forcing me to sit through this while refusing to watch the original Evil Dead because it was too trashy

Charlie:- The Evil Dead (2013)


Yet I found this film simple LCD comedy fun and the original Evil Dead to be inventive horror on a low budget. So there you go I like both yet you and your ex only liked one whilst trashing the other.

Inside the dusters, there were three men.
Inside the men, there were three bullets.



It's nothing short of trash ...
Yeah, but think of it as a kind of special trash. How often do you see a donkey tethered in the living room? How often do you see snake's knee served up for dinner? Now do the right thing and go give that guy another chance.🐭


How about you not be a *beep*
