Rating 5.8? wtf!
I think this should i least be a 7/10 or higher do u agree?
shareThe movie was awesome. I don't understand that either.
shareThere are a surprising number of people in the world who are incapable of watching a movie for the sake of being entertained. Instead, they refuse to suspend disbelief in any category.
My father (who has a page with over 200 credits on IMDB, though for the sake of this anonymous account I will refrain from linking it), a former TV writer, has annoyed me due to this fact my entire life. If he doesn't like something about the first 5 minutes of a movie, he will turn it off or walk out of the room.
Even with VERY good movies or television - an example being The Big Lebowski. I knew without a shred of doubt that The Big Lebowski was likely to be his favorite movie - it touched on many, many elements of his career, life and acquaintances. He almost walked out of the room due to the perception given by the credits - that Bowling was a major plot point. Of course, he admit by the end, that the film had immediately rocketed into his top 3 favorite movies.
My long, rambling point is this: despite the adage, people will always judge a book (or film, etc.) by its cover. In the case of The Waterboy, the film has several things working against it: the genre, Adam Sandler, and sports. Teen-centric comedies, Adam Sandler movies, and sports movies all have their own followings - and all have even more detractors. The vast majority of people rating this film low either haven't seen it, or entered into watching it with an ironclad predisposition that the movie would suck. The expectation shaped the reality for them.
There is simply no godamn way anyone who enjoys light-hearted comedy can hate this movie if they aren't cynical *beep* or otherwise predisposed against it.
Aptly put twohundredproof. I had fun watching the movie.
shareI totally agree with you twohundredproof. Perfectly stated. When I logged on to this page, having not been here in a while, I was surprised to see the 5.8 as well. Then I scroll down and see a thread addressing that very thing. For it's genre, I found the movie to be hilarious and highly entertaining. *beep* the haters, I gave the movie a 9/10 to help offset the scores given by the humorless among us. A 10/10 IMO for comedy is reserved for classic comedies like Caddyshack. :)
Some people do not understand that a movie does not need to be something like Citizen Kane or some highbrow humor to be good. A 5.8 score is closer to something I'd give to the more recent Sandler movie, Grownups.
Awesome explanation. I have tried to delve into the workings of your exact observations recently too as I was seeing the same thing. The only thing I have a hard time with is that Jim Carrey's movies seems to have the same exact thing going on with them. And I would think, at least in society's eyes, that Jim Carrey is a much more beloved actor and person than Adam Sandler. Yet movies like Liar Liar, Ace Ventura and Dumb and Dumber fall victim to the same mentality. Horribly rated on sites like this, even though they are some of the funnier and best comedy movies of all time. Dumb or stupid comedy gets used a lot when people are trying to explain why they couldn't sit through (probably never actually tried) the movie. It is incredibly frustrating as a movie-, and especially comedy-, lover that people have created such an intangible and false defense to this.
5.8 rating for The Waterboy?
What the h**k?
I gave it a 1 and felt sorry that can't give them a 0 (zero).
Utter crap.
That's what this movie is.
perhaps you'd rate cartoons a 5+ coz ur a 40 year old virgin !
shareExplain what you mean in terms of movies and/or comedies and then maybe someone might take your comment seriously. "....give them a zero." I swear every time someone is this delusional they always have some kind of detachment from reality. What guys? If anything, Adam Sandler made this entire movie by himself. And it's usually packaged the same way, with meaningless statements offering no actual critiquing, just some high-and-mighty person thinking they determine, on their own immature and pre-developed thoughts, how good movies are. Thanks anyway haha.
shareIMHO this is one of the worst movies ever made and I'm surprised that it get's as high as 5.8. There is absolutely nothing funny about this movie whatsoever.
"You can do it?"
See, that's not funny.
PS. I walk into every movie I watch *wanting to like it*, otherwise why would I watch something in the first place? So to say that someone doesn't like this because they went into it with a bad attitude is just silly. The fact is this is a terrible movie that is not funny at all, I have a good time watching movies that are supposed to be stupid and are actually funny like "Dumb and Dumber", so I do enjoy stupid humor...this movie is just stupid.
Colonel Sanders alone warrants 3 stars.
IMHO this is one of the worst movies ever made and I'm surprised that it get's as high as 5.8. There is absolutely nothing funny about this movie whatsoever.
"You can do it?"
See, that's not funny.
You don't know what funny is if you didn't think any of this movie was funny. It was hilarious to me. Especially when he tackled the teacher in the classroom.
"Bobby Boucher: [Bobby runs back out, then back in again] And I like Vicki, and she like me back! And she showed me her boobies and I like them too!" lmao!!
"Liitle girls are the devil!" Warrants atleast 2/5 stars! *beep* funny!
shareThere's tons funny about this movie. "You can do it" isn't the only line in the movie.
Some of the funniest parts are the little things nobody even notices/talks about.
There's nothing stupid about this movie at all. Maybe you're just too stupid to see how well thought out and detailed it is. I think that's probably it.
I agree this movie deserves a higher rating than what it gets, I think a 6.7 rating would be perfect for this movie, it's starting to be my third favorite Sandler movie after Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison
That shows how *beep* stupid movie critics are
shareSandler's movies usually get bullsh*t ratings on imdb. I mean Billy Madison: 6.3, Big Daddy: 6.2, Anger Management: 6.1, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry: 6.0. C'mon they should all be way higher.
shareAmazed this is so low. This is back when Sandler was making funny movies, this being one of the stronger ones along side his classics The Wedding Singer and obviously Happy Gilmore.
"It's ok to play with dolls!"