Janet Reno: Superbitch!

I am a die hard leftist but I can tell you, Clinton's choice of Ms Reno made me convinced that he was as evil as any republican. Reno had established her career by launching with hunts against innocent people ( see http://www.angelfire.com/fl5/cellularsociety/enemyofthestate/Wrongfulconvictions.html)

But the use of military weapons and tactics on a civilian target represented a new low in US History.

Clinton, Dubya, Reno... they are all the same to me.

And to think Reno was almost elected governer of Florida?



As a leftist I can say that Clinton and Reno are not really leftist or even liberals but more like, as you say New World Order fans. So is Dubya. But its really about people who want to have control and enforce conformaty.

I personally detest Vernon Howell, AKA David Koresh. But I do support his right to be a weirdo. If this guy wants to tell people he is Jesus Christ and people are dumb enough to beleive him than thats their problem.

Now regarding those kids who were allegedly molested, yea, something needed to be done. Maybe they could have arrested Koresh while he was out for one of his morning jogs. Maybe they could have surrounded the place and waited till he left. Like, he was not going anywhere was he?

But the ATF wanted to have a big showy raid! They wanted to be daddy (to quote Dr Evyl in Austin Powers).

I feel sad for the agents that died, but was it really necessary to stage a military style raid and burn the place to the ground?

And I for one NEVER bought the argument that it was the Davidians who set the fire. It was Reno and her gang executing a vendetta. Pure and simple.


"If this guy wants to tell people he is Jesus Christ and people are dumb enough to beleive him than thats their problem."

Before you come on here and give your 2 cents worth perhaps you should have a basic grasp on the subject at hand and also leave out Austin Powers quotes. Koresh never once said he was Jesus Christ. The American government and its media said this beacause they are liars .....and murderers!

"I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different."


I remember a recording in which he said that he was Jesus Christ. He went on about how he was the king of kings and gods of gods or something. It was the recording that negotiators played to the media.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Women can be anything they want in todays world. But Reno was a vicious and mean person who hated everyone. And I don't just use Waco as an example. Her entire history was one of leading paranoid witch hunts against innocent people. I think she would have been great during the McCarthy era.


"paranoid witch hunts against innocent people"

Like Iraq. But on a microscopic level. More people will probably die in the next 24 hours in Iraq because of a "paranoid witch hunt against innocent people". And Koresh scares the bejesus out of me. He demanded 140 wives, and had sex with 14 year old girls. He instructed people to kill themselves for their "cause".(again, sounds like Iraq) But in either case, DOWN WITH DELUSIONAL RELIGIOUS FANATICS!!!


Clinton, Dubya, Reno... they are all the same to me.

I agree. I refer to Hillary Clinton as "the other Republican" in the upcoming 2008 apocolypse/election. Man I hope somebody steps up fast, if it's Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton, and Canada now being under conservative occupation, I guess I'll have to consider moving to Japan.

In all my previous lives I was either hanged or burned at the stake.


I couldn't have said it better myself. Screw Clinton and the Bush mob! Neither one of them is getting my damn vote!

"Where are all the good men dead, in the heart or in the head?"
- Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)


What's up with Reno when she's under the spotlight?Ive never seen anybody shake that hard.What a freak.Stay away from her offspring.


I'm glad other people are aware that these are all the same wolves, all in the same sheep's clothes. Yep, they're all the same and the ideological divide between the Democrats and the Republicans is as narrow as a hair.


Not that Im sticking up for Reno, cause trust me, I cant stand her either, but her shaking is probably due to her Parkinson's disease.


What's up with Reno when she's under the spotlight?Ive never seen anybody shake that hard.What a freak.Stay away from her offspring.

She's got Parkinson's Disease.


You're intelligent.
I love you.
Perhaps you'll consider running for President?


If you're looking for perfection, I wouldn't recommend Japan. I think another planet would be the place to look.

Democrats and Republicans? Labour and Conservative? It's not the left and the right, it's the right and the further right.


She had Parkinson's disease, you dumb boob, that's what was causing the shaking.


I love all the Republican/Democrat bashing online. They are all on the same team. They take away all your liberty with one hand and get you to look at the monkey in the other. You would get more done politically by bashing the current bad guy in professional wrestling. If the democrats were so much better than republicans, why is government rolling along as usual with them in power? Where are these great changes? None of them are protecting your interests. They both are bought and sold. Quit buying into that BS.

Democrat = Republican

So shut up , get on your wheel, and run.


Exactly. For as long as I thought about this political stuff, I always thought of myself as a leftist, because I hate authoritarianism.

Hell I have a hard time being authoritarian with my own philosophy!

I hate you, you're a pee pee!


while clinton wasn't as bad as bush 2 it scares what evils the media will let the government get away with when a democrat they like is in charge.


Reno also said of the sanctions against Iraq which were estimated to be responsible for the deaths of 50,000 children said "It's collateral damage". Pretty nice, eh? What would be the response of the hysterical, reactionary people in power if that happened in America.

