this film makes many many assumptions and is not balanced
Something red next to a tank: it could be a body!
a flash or explosion: must have been the FBI who did it!
A fire starts in a house: it must have been FBI who started it!
to be logical and intelligent, other considerations need to be put forward as a counter argument
the red next the tank - could just be something red (should we consider that? yes!)
Flash of light we think is an explosion: could have just as easily been made by a Davidian grenade (yes, it COULD BE)
Fire: Anything could have sparked it - seriously, anything. (why doesn't the film go down the line of considering it tragic, circumstantial fire?) (also the possibility that the Davidians started the fire!)
points that the documentary chose not to include:
At one point in the documentary, it plays audio recordings from the FBO device where we can hear davidians reacting in panic to the tanks. Well if the filmmakers had access to these recordings, then why did they not use the pieces later in the recordings (which are in the transcript) where it is clearly heard the Davidians saying "they got two cans of coleman fuel down there', 'light the fire', 'so we light it when they come in with the tank, right?' or that the Davidians testified to seeing other Davidians pour fuel around inside.
the high resolution photographs during the tank assault show no people from either side.
the testimonials of surviving Davidians who said they started the fire.
The video tape that Koresh made during the siege was used in some parts in the film but not the scenes where he introduces his 'wives' and then many minors say that they have children fathered by Koresh.
The children that were released from the compound in the first three days... they had the attitude that their parents were already dead, when asked to draw how the siege would end, they drew the building on fire. Through the children, the psychologists knew that the Davidians expected and prophesied a fiery death, therefore it was a self fulfilling prophecy. One of the children even said that as she was handed over, her mother said 'these are the men that are going to kill us'. In my opinion, it's similar to suicide-by-cop, they were prepared to fight to the end. This is documented in a chapter of a psychology book 'The boy who was raised as a dog'. The book has no political agenda.
Still, that being said... none of this justified tanks breaking down a building with people in it. Shame on you FBI.