MovieChat Forums > Volcano (1997) Discussion > Huge thing wrong with the movie

Huge thing wrong with the movie

People were walking around inhaling the volcanic ash. It's a well known fact that volcanic ash is very fine glass. If inhaled, you choke to death. It mixes with the moisture in your lungs and causes you to drown from the inside.


There were many things hugely wrong with this film. I am pretty sure that a textbook could be written about the scientific inaccuracies in this film.

Just watched it again for the first time in 17 years. It was strangely amusing.


It was a Hollywood disaster movie that almost seemed to be a tribute to Irwin Allen disaster movies of the 1970s...Irwin disaster movies also had holes in the plots...remember The Swarm?


You've nailed it. it was a tribute to irwin allen.

Pointless witty comment here ...


What, unlike Dante's Peak, which had the exact same thing happening, in addition to heavy lava flows from a Plinian eruption, sparks in the clouds, and a lake turning to acid in a matter of moments (well, maybe days, but it's still as unlikely).

"Aw Crap!" - Hellboy


So what's your point? Logic dicatates that if you are caught up in a volcanic event and there is ash in the air your gonna be breathing it until you get somewhere where there's clean air.


People were walking around inhaling the volcanic ash.
Probably for the same reason fireman in movies such as Backdraft don't wear breathing apparatus and goggles. So we can all see who the actors/characters are.🐭

