Yamashita's psyche...
In 2 or 3 scenes, it is hinted that Yamashita never actually received any letters about his wife's adultery.
A couple of posters in the comments section wondered whether there even really were a lover, or he just made him up as well, to cover for his own sexual and/or marital inaqueduacies and to have a "mental excuse" or "mental justification" to murder his wife.
If it is so, that would indeed make Yamashita a VERY scary character - full-blown delusional psychotic!!
Supporting this is:
1. The length of the sentence: Parole after eight years is VERY early for a double homicide. Even if the court buys the "crime of passion" explanation/excuse and reduces the sentence accordingly.
2. The lover is not really mentioned a lot afterwards in the movie, although the wife is mentioned many times.
3. Takasaki's last appearance (made-up in Yamashita's mind) supports the "delusion" part.
BUT: The general tone in the movie, and the way Yamashita is portrayed lends little support to this.
-Unless, of course, the director is really pulling our legs and suggests that Keiko will eventually suffer the same fate as his former wife; ie.: "Letters" start to appear after a while, etc..
Personally I think there was a lover, but I am not a 100% on this one. What do the rest of you think about this?!