MovieChat Forums > Turbulence (1997) Discussion > Is This the Only Feature Film Ever Made ...

Is This the Only Feature Film Ever Made With this Peculiarity:

...that the action of the movie continues under the closing credits?

I don't mean a long shot of the plane. That type of thing, I think I may have seen before. Not commonly, but perhaps once or twice in movies from decades-past.

But...the close-ups of the Lauren Holly and Ben Cross characters and others, getting first aid, laughing and talking...

I was wondering, what with the length of times some movies' closing credits roll, whether we'd get to see Lauren and Ben go off to get a bite to eat, then maybe a walk around the lights of L.A, and perhaps finally a trip to his-or-her hotel room...


(Also: as preposterous as most of the elements of this plot may have been, the movie could have survived on Liotta's nutty charisma if not for the ghastly bovine passivity of Holly's interpretation of her character. Who here had to restrain themselves from throwing a boot at the screen while she stood there 'girlishly' waiting for Liotta's character's next move?)


Once the adrenalin wore off, I imagine that Lauren Holly's character would have collapsed or been close to sleep. The best place for her would be a hospital.
