MovieChat Forums > Turbulence (1997) Discussion > Lauren Holly: worst actress of all time?

Lauren Holly: worst actress of all time?

Ok, I think Lauren Holly's performance here was bad beyond words. Flat, emotionless, completely non-believable.

I think it's a shame she got paid for this. Yes I know the movie was bad, but Liotta was actually decent (he is a good actor, regardless of what script he's working with.) Holly, on the other hand ... wow. She was terrible!

So it got me thinking: Could Lauren Holly be the worst actress, EVER?



Have you seen the "Twilight" movies? Kristen Stewart could give her a run for the money ...



I actually thought she was decent! Certainly not bad enough to "take me out of the movie".

Actually, I thought she kind of emoted in a "real way". Maybe people are used to people over-acting or being melodramatic in movies.

It anything, I thought Liotta was over-the-top, at times cackling almost like Nicholson's "Joker" in "Batman"!

There are some silly elements to this movie, but I thought the acting was the least silly. Also remember that especially in the beginning, they were acting very stiff and monotone around the prisoners, because they were scared and were told to reveal no personal info, etc.

But later on I think she did the appropriate amount of screaming, crying, self-doubt, and fear. Just my opinion.


My worst actress of all time nomination goes to Tara Reid.

One of the funniest things ever is watching Tara Reid try to cry when the script asks for tears. Funny stuff.

There was a movie of hers where she plays a Russian hooker. Her accent goes from Russian-->German-->French-->Valley Girl-->back to Russian. Funny stuff. Made even funnier because this script requires her to cry, a lot.

It is my life goal to now track down every movie she has ever made, especially the dramactic ones where the script actually asks for acting.

Team her with director Uwe Boll in "Alone in the Dark" and you have bad movie gold!! Trying to watch her pull off the part of a world renoun anthropologist that is occasionally required to cry is bad movie heaven.

Tara Reid, worst actress of all time.
