MovieChat Forums > The Truman Show (1998) Discussion > Did anyone else notice...(this is awesom...

Did anyone else notice...(this is awesome)

That Truman has a bag of weed and a grinder in his box of pictures? Check it out for yourself at about 17:30 on Netflix. Just noticed it today and there is no denying thats what it is.


Didnt see a grinder, meself.

But that was DEFINITELY some bud. lol Good catch. Guess we know Truman was a toker.


Whoa, that's crazy.

Now I wonder how he got it, can't imagine Christoff would sanction that. Maybe Marlon snuck it in.


I bet that's what keeps him mellow at first. Before he starts figuring out what's going on, that's one chilled-out guy. Which of course is exactly what Christof would want him to be, so he'd be better controlled. Fridge brilliance!


Why is being a pothead "Awesome"?


Just cuz a guy has a 6-pack of beer in his fridge doesn't mean he's an alcoholic, does it?

Point being, I don't think it's fair to call Truman a "pothead" based on one hidden bag of weed.

Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.


I'm sure there was a big 'season finale' type hype built up one year where he tried weed for the first time.


ramsrule2000, because people who smoke weed like to see other people smoke weed on TV and in film. and we think it is awesome.

Great Job!


Which proves beyond doubt that people who smoke weed, really are stupid and the weed has mashed their brain cells!


Which proves beyond doubt that people who smoke weed, really are stupid and the weed has mashed their brain cells!

How so? I like noticing things on film that I also have/experienced. In Home Improvement I got a kick outta the fact that Tim had the same alarm clock as me. In World War Z they had the same sugar I use on the kitchen table. If its something you don't relate to, its meaningless, but that doesn't mean your "brain cells are mashed".
Beyond your ludicrous rational, "Marijuana Not Linked With Long Term Cognitive Impairment" long-term-cognitive-impairment/.

I think you are the one who might be stupid and have mashed brain cells, or are you willingly ignorant and pretentious?


It is kind of cool when you see things you use or own being used in a T.V. show or movie. I had a dress that I used to wear for special occasions, and two actresses in two different T.V. shows wore that dress, and a T-shirt I used to wear all the time was worn by a girl in Lean on Me. When I saw the two actresses wearing the dress, I was like, "Hey, that's MY dress!" and same thing for the shirt. So, while I don't smoke pot, I do kind of understand the relation.


This was on TV and I looked specifically for this. Couldn't believe it when I saw it! Lol, nice find.


🐋 Doggy dolphins? 💅Erection?


I made a clip of it:

It looks like about a 1/4 oz of crack in a baggie under his left pinky, too.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


That's a film canister and sage


its slightly amusing, but not awesome.
