They could have let him have his Fiji trip!
It occured to me, that they picked a weird spot of the world to have Trumans obsession holiday.
With some careful planning, they could have easily given Truman his Fijian holiday.
As per the movie, there is alot of fiji that is uninhibited with small islands, there are islands with small resorts on them.
They could have decked out a resort with cameras and had actors on the set and titled the episode 'Trumans Fijian holiday.
They could have followed him round on the resort, which was decked out with cameras. Even flown straight there!
There are some logistical issues that could have been smoothed over, such as leaving the set, but nothing that a sleeping tablet that Truman would accept, couldnt fix.
They could have made a big thing of it, then he has scratched his itch.