Not Plagerism?
Am I the only one to see the amazing resemblance to Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse five?
shareAm I the only one to see the amazing resemblance to Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse five?
shareNo, I don't. What do you mean? In what specific way?
sharePlease, please learn to AT LEAST type the _TWO_ (2) small words in your title correctly. Is that too much to ask?
There's no such thing as 'plagerism', it's 'plagiarism'. Why can I know this, but you can't, although you are the one trying to type that word for your.. do I need to reiterate? .. TITLE?
I mean, you can have typos in a long post, that's a given - but to have an 'american typo' in the VERY TITLE? WHY? HOW?
There's no hope for humanity, you must be a Gen Z.
yes. It's nothing like that.