MovieChat Forums > The Truman Show (1998) Discussion > What was the Truman Show based on?

What was the Truman Show based on?

I have schizophrenia and some scenes in the movie reminded me of my life. Is there like a psychological term for when you think your life is like the Truman Show?

Also, what were did they get the idea for this movie?


The Truman Show was inspired by an episode of 'The Twilight Zone' called 'Special Service'.


Thanks for telling me! I will hopefully look into it.


Robert Heinlein wrote a story "They" in 1941 about an apparent mental patient who claims that that everybody he sees is an actor trying to fool him. In the final scene, with the patient not present, everybody DOES turn out to be an actor.

I doubt that the movie people were familiar with this story, though the "TWILIGHT ZONE" people may have been.


It's like the Flat Earth theory.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


Plato's cave analogy.
As was The Matrix.

not directly but I assume it was influential to some extent.

Check it out! Very similar concept.


Time out of joint by Philip k dick is one ive heard.


It was based on a movie short from the Twilight Zone, except the original screenplay was a lot darker.

The Caretaker
