A 'Trekkie' thinks it's funny...
I am a Star Trek fan, call it "trekkie","trekker", "psychopath", or whatever you want. I like the show, and have bought some memorabilia over the years. I even met James "Scotty" Doohan at a convention, a very nice and gentle man by the way. I also happen to think that if one is to exist in this world, they need a sense of humor about themselves. I was laughing at this movie, and still chuckle at it in hindsight occasionally, and that is okay. Although I was never as "hardcore" as some people in this movie, it was okay to have a laugh at my expense (I suppose a therapist would say I was altering the situation so that people were "laughing with, rather than at me"). So let me have a little fun too...
I stopped wearing the uniform and still can't get a date.
Q: What does a Trekkie want most?
A: A duet album between Shatner and Nimoy
Okay so the second one wasn't that good, but its fun none the less. Any fans with a joke please join in.
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