Just looking at recent events the media totally fans the flames on disasters for their own benefit. I have to wonder if this is the smartest James Bond villain in the entire series because it does have a layer of reality to it.
I think that's why it's aged so well for so many. Because it deals with the manipulation of the media and current events, something that is rampant nowadays.
Ron *beep* Swanson is the greatest thing that ever happened to television.
As a UK citzen (I live in Scotland) I can attest to the many ways in which Mr Murdoch has had a bearing on the political scene.
In the recent General Election, the Scottish edition of his tabloid (The Sun) was the cheerleader for the Scottish National Party yet in the rest of the UK it was described as a bunch of swivel eyed loons who would pull the strings of any Labour Government. On the day of the Election itself the Scottish Sun had on it's front page the SNP leader Nicola Strugeon was photoshoped as a Jedi Knight while in the rest of the UK it was David Cameron.
Currently the Sunday Time which is a broadsheet owned by Mr Murdoch, is currently doing a expose on the property dealings of one Michelle Thompson who was elected as a MP for the SNP, she has since given up the party whip (this means she no longer counts as a SNP member) while the matter is being invesigated by the Police. I should add that Ms Thompson is herself not subject to the police enquires but a lawyer who was acting on her behalf. One has to wonder if Ms Strugeon has fallen out of Mr Murdoch's flavour.