MovieChat Forums > A Simple Plan (1999) Discussion > Dont tell me you wouldn't have kept the ...

Dont tell me you wouldn't have kept the money!

I think... no... i KNOW that in the same situation i would have kept the money -4 million bucks dude!!- and imagined the same kind of plan as they came up with <keep the money somewhere safe, don't spend any dime till the story is forgotten and make sure you dont leave any trails>.
The only difference is i couldnt have killed for it. Altough the question isn't would you kill for it, rather what would you have done if you were with 2 dumbasses like Bill Paxton is in the flick and one of them kills some guy to protect the location as billy bob did. What would you do then? I mean, wouldn't you try to cover it up and make it look like an accident? Since u decided from the beginning to keep the money and your bro commits murder, which makes you an accessory to murder de facto, so yeah you'd kinda have to do what they did. Its difficult for me to imagine where i'd have drawn the line, where to stop, what's too much or not... I guess from the moment i see the guy's not dead on the snowbike, thats where the line is, you DO NOT kill him! You tell him the truth and offer him a share, even though its another loose end you'd have to deal with.
The only big flaw of Paxton's plan is being involved with 2 retarded morrons, you take them out of the equation, there might have been a happy ending out there!

So yeah, very difficult to imagine what i would have done since its easier to talk the talk, than walk the walk. I guess greed is a powerfull engine since dawn of humanity and it would definitly be my weakness too...

Wachu guys think? Where's the line? What would you have done?



You know the sad, boring answer? I would've reported it, because that much money acquired under those circumstances would actually be a burden more than a blessing. I'd rather not spend my life looking over my shoulder.

Were I determined to keep it, I'd lock it up somewhere and forget about it until all the relevant statutes of limitation (including for tax avoidance) had expired.


Report it? Really?
Wooooww, u must be one of those good guys i keep hearing about... I started to think they are just a myth...! ;)

As for me, i would be aware that it could involve some serious risks to keep the money but i wouldn't be able to report it... Call the cops and say u found 4 mio bucks?? No way! Would be beyond my strength! I kno i kno i'm weak...

But since i'm kinda fearful and paranoiac, i would hide it somewhere for at least a couple years and if somebody comes and tortures me, well, i'd give it up since torture isn't really my cup of tea... But as long i don't feel a blade on my skin, there's no way anybody else would get to know about the money!
(P.S: Flaw in the reasoning? If somebody comes to torture me, he's most likely to kill me dead whatever i do... But do u know any better reason to die than 4 mio $?? ;)

First step, hide the money without loose ends <at least try>.
Then wait 2 years.
Finally if nobody comes, GTFO of the country and live forever on some sunny island under an alias.

After 10 years send a post card to mom and dad and ask them if u can come back live in their attic since u spent everything.
If they say yes, obviously never tell about the money 'coz those sückers would even have the nerve to be mad at you coz u didn't share.
If they say no, buy a rope.

"People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs"


I felt the should have kept the money and used it years later. I know the serial numbers are forever but it would give them time to devise a plan to exchange it. And maybe even buy of an agent or someone who would help them get rid of it.


Serial numbers are forever, but the statute of limitations is not.

You might eventually get investigated for the kidnap/murder (statute of limitations = forever), but at that point you could just admit having found the cash and not reported it (theft by omission, 3-year statute of limitations) or paid taxes on it (tax avoidance, 7-year statute of limitations).

Regardless, I'd still report it. Having stolen money, knowing the FBI and a murderer are looking for it, is just too big a burden to bear. Better to be rid of it and go on with my life.


He could have gone overseas, to one of those island nations where people 'wash' their cash essentially with no trace.

With that much money, I think he should have tried.

And, why have his brother die essentially for nothing at that point, by burning the money up?

It would have taken longer, but he also could have run at least some money thru casinos. People do 'wash' money via casinos.

It would be difficult to track him that way once any of the bills finally would have been identified.

Again, that would have taken a long time, but why not?

"I'm here because I believe in a free Narnia."


i wouldn't be out in such cold weather.

Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


"Hello, police? This is gonna sounds pretty crazy, but I was out waking in the woods this morning.. and stumbled on a plane, crashed, and there was a bunch of money in it. I counted roughly three million dollars..."

.. I'm good with a million bucks
: )


"Hello, police? This is gonna sounds pretty crazy, but I was out waking in the woods this morning.. and stumbled on a plane, crashed, and there was a bunch of money in it. I counted roughly three million dollars..."

LOL!!! Now that's funny.

Make sure that call is done anonymously from an untraceable phone with no cameras around. Because in reality, the Feds would likely investigate you and request a polygraph. While you could politely refuse, they would keep an eye on your spending for many years (e.g. monitoring all your banking, credit card, travel, etc.).


Ps. I'm not a criminal mastermind; I'm an honest, ethical tax-paying citizen. I've just watched a lot of documentaries, true-crime shows, and films. Hence, my geeky presence on IMDb.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


I would've kept it.... People always say, karma would get you. But the way i see it, karma gave it to you in the first place.

It WOULD be a burden... sure.. no doubt about that.... You would have to be careful. You'd have to modify your life... but that hand would have to be played.

In fact, i always fantasize HOW i would go about dispersing the money without drawing attention. Even though it would be a burden, and a challenge, it would be 'fun' in a way to have to strategize your spending habits and live a secret life.


You know what, that's exactly my state of mind. And the reason why we'd be both dead or in jail by now.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


I once found a wallet with over $1000 in it at a sporting event. I could have kept the money and no one would ever have known.

But I'm one of those honest, boring people, and handed it in. Got a reward for $100 which I spend gleefully and guilt-free.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


I'd probably just take a $10,000 stack. Enough to have fun with but not enough to cause stress or put me in serious trouble.


But if you report it, you still get a good (better) reward of about $100,000. Guilt-free.


no guarantee of a reward

But the possibility of a legitimate reward beats out the possibility of getting caught, to me

I'd take my chances with a reward - dirty money has a way of messing up your life, one way or another


Without a doubt I would of kept the money lol


I'd like to think I wouldn't keep the money, but who knows until you're in that situation? I'd like to think my rational side would take over and I'd think it through before.

Common sense tells you that any sum of money lying around like that is probably not legal (ransom in this case). I would be assuming it is the proceeds of a robbery or, more likely, drug money. I'm inclined to think that the owners of the illegal booty are going to want it back and I wouldn't want to be standing in the way of some gangsters and their black money. I'd always be looking over my shoulder wondering if someone was going to figure it out and come looking for me.

Another thing is, we have a law here (Australia) called Theft by Finding. I assume there is a similar law in the States. Basically if you find a sum of money it is an act of theft to just keep it. Anyone finding a sum of money like that is committing a crime and if you were ever found out, well there is no statute of limitations on being prosecuted for a crime, no matter how long ago. The rest of your life is a log time to wonder of the Police are going to come knocking at your door.

I don't consider myself particularly materialistic. But then again, who knows what I might do if I was ever tempted. Four million bucks is a lot of money.

When I said I wanted to be a comedian, they all laughed at me. Well, they're not laughing now!


Anyone finding a sum of money like that is committing a crime and if you were ever found out, well there is no statute of limitations on being prosecuted for a crime, no matter how long ago. The rest of your life is a log time to wonder of the Police are going to come knocking at your door.

Every U.S. jurisdiction has theft by omission statutes

But we also have statutes of limitations - for property crimes it's usually no more than 6 years. Tax evasion investigations can extend to 7 years.

Keep the money secret that long, and you're free & clear. Long as you think you could wait that long. I don't think I could live with it that long.

And if I had friends like Jacob & Lou, I wouldn't even try


But we also have statutes of limitations - for property crimes it's usually no more than 6 years.

Interesting that, I don't think we have the same statute of limitations here but I could be wrong. There are statutes of limitations on tax fraud/evasion.

If there is a limit then it can become an issue if how long you're prepared to wait. The best thing might be to stash the money away somewhere and just forget about it for 5 years. Easier said than done.

And if I had friends like Jacob & Lou, I wouldn't even try

Quite correct. I have often thought that Hanks's biggest mistake was getting mixed up with Lou. As Cpoet also pointed out recently, Lou is a disaster waiting to happen. I once posted on another thread (since deleted) that if Lou got his hands on any money he would immediately go on a spending spree beyond all bounds of common sense and then be completely surprised when the authorities inevitably turned upon his doorstep.

When I said I wanted to be a comedian, they all laughed at me. Well, they're not laughing now!
