Too boring and vacuous (spoilers)
So ugh, a man drives around looking for someone to burry him after he commits suicide. Apparently he can't just die like a man and conveniently he doesn't have a single friend who could help him, so he has to drive around all day begging strangers, who all happen to be moralists who turn down his large sum of cash.
Obviously this is a contrived set up for some sort of philosophical discussion on suicide, amirite?
Wrong, instead we just listen to mostly banal chatter for the entire film, with little-to-no intellectual merit behind it, and watch the man driving around leisurely. There is unfortunately no discussion whatsoever as to the man's motives, he refuses to reveal that, and the film is completely vacuous as a result. All characters he talks to up until the final one are complete write-offs who'd might as well discuss the weather. Finally someone gives us some remotely interesting arguments, but then the protagonist suddenly stops talking altogether. He goes through some weird actions obviously designed to tell us he's having second thoughts about it, and then an obscure ending is tacked on and the credits roll.
And it is NOT overly beautiful (it's OK, but certainly nothing special).
Disappointing. Another below par criterion release....
~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~