Should I watch this ??



Yes. It's a borderline masterpiece chock-a-block with brilliant performances, including a central one from one of the all-time greatest actors, Ian Holm.

Just be warned that it's quite emotionally gruelling.


thank you


Wow! That was a quick response! :)




Most or even all of Egoyan's other films are better than this. I thought it sucked. It doesn't surprise me that the Academy would give recognition to this film but not Egoyan's other films which are superior.


I second this comment.

Egoyan's earlier films are very intriguing to watch. This one felt like a highly produced retread of those earlier films where the plot involves unwinding the layers of characters involved in a singular incident. It's not a bad film, but it's not a hallmark movie like it was promoted to be.


It's very shallow compared to a film like Exotica. I thought this was going to be similar in the sense that there are deeper themes beyond the main plot point (the bus accident in this or the murder in Exotica), but it's literally just about the accident with some bizarre unresolved incest and drug addition subplot tacked on to it. Even worse, the characters were not interesting at all.

I don't think that only Egoyan's earlier films are better than this though. Even some of his more recent ones are.


His latter films are really good too
