Bus Driver was Creepy

Loved the film, and the actress who played the bus driver (forgot her name) did a splendid job portraying Delores. But something about her was creepy, and odd-

1. The way she describes the children. It seems she had nitpicky and rude things to say about each one of them. The Indian boy's art work- "oh, that's...interesting." Really? It's a child! At least be nice and say it looks great. Was she really that closed-minded? Or the child who was in special needs. "He was...different." All her responses seemed to come from an insecure woman who has lived in a box all her life. Very conservative, no liberal values what so ever.

2. Her plump yet old lady like appearance- abstract way of dressing (almost like a man), eerily reminiscent of Elsa Lanchester (character actress; was in I Love Lucy episode "Off to Florida", and first nanny in Mary Poppins).

3. Her plain weird husband. He's in a wheelchair (?)- is everyone in the town old and crippled? He doesn't speak English, and when the lawyer is speaking to her trying to help the situation, he starts yelling and screaming at him in jibberish or some Foreign tone. Their whole house reeked of 'Something Not Right Here'.

I wouldn't be surprised if Delores herself was a woman who was perhaps a bit sick in the head. And maybe even borderline psychotic- perhaps someone who would even harm children. Her final scene in the film where the lawyer spots her working as a bus driver for an airline is strange to say the least. A very creepy woman indeed.


1. The way she describes the children. It seems she had nitpicky and rude things to say about each one of them. The Indian boy's art work- "oh, that's...interesting." Really? It's a child! At least be nice and say it looks great. Was she really that closed-minded? Or the child who was in special needs. "He was...different." All her responses seemed to come from an insecure woman who has lived in a box all her life. Very conservative, no liberal values what so ever.

She was too nice to actually say anything rude, that should be obvious. Also it's implied that she and her husband never had children, so she had the kids in town be a surrogate to her.

3. Her plain weird husband. He's in a wheelchair (?)- is everyone in the town old and crippled? He doesn't speak English, and when the lawyer is speaking to her trying to help the situation, he starts yelling and screaming at him in jibberish or some Foreign tone. Their whole house reeked of 'Something Not Right Here'.

He had a stroke. She even says it.


Is this a joke post? Especially what you wrote about the husband...lolwut? He had a stroke, that's why he's in a wheelchair and it has had a debilitating effect on his speech.

Fighting the frizzies, at 11.


Lol. Agreed. If anyone is weird, its the OP.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Her plain weird husband. He's in a wheelchair (?)- is everyone in the town old and crippled? He doesn't speak English, and when the lawyer is speaking to her trying to help the situation, he starts yelling and screaming at him in jibberish or some Foreign tone.

This statement disqualifies you from calling anyone else rude, sir.

Good day to you.

Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television


She's a caricature of a working class Canadian woman. She seems more like the type of person you would find out east in the Maritimes though, not in BC.
