DVD in the works.

A DVD is on the way. Marc English (The guy who did the Criterion Dazed DVD cover and booklet) is designing the cover. Not sure if it'll be Criterion but it would be cool if it is.

I had given up and bought the VHS a few days ago (brand new copy) but a dvd is good news.


Finally! I can't even find the VHS anywhere but in used copies online. Where did you find it?


a guy on ebay had a new copy. it had a warner bros watermark on the shrink wrap which is always assuring.

if you look hard enough i'm sure you can dig out a fresh copy for under 10 bucks.



Check Amazon as well. I bought a new copy of it two weeks ago, shrink wrapped, for $3.


All I can say is....IT'S ABOUT DAMNED TIME!

"It's a mad house! A mad house!" - Taylor, Planet Of The Apes (1968)


No release date yet?


