The Location on Street View
Cut and paste the following and go to Street View.
S 1st St & W Stassney Ln
Austin, TX 78745, USA
This is the address of the gas station - 'cept it's not a gas station anymore. It's changed quite a bit.
Cut and paste the following and go to Street View.
S 1st St & W Stassney Ln
Austin, TX 78745, USA
This is the address of the gas station - 'cept it's not a gas station anymore. It's changed quite a bit.
Real cool to see not that much has changed, everything is still pretty recognizable.
I was on Google Maps searching the locations for Jim Jarmusch's film Mystery Train, and was kind of disappointed to see how modernized everything became.
I'm from Paris... TEXAS
For some reason I thought this was filmed in Houston.
Thanks for the address.... good to see the corner!