bad points

just watched this flick with the kids,& the only reason i watched it was because the lovely Annabeth Gish was appearing in it.

just a few of the worst points:

The "Shaft" reference:
Considering it was made for children,my kids just looked at each other & said "what happened there"?

a bit silly,since most children these days wouldn't have been old enough to remember shaft.I wouldn't have thought this film would have appealed to anyone except Super Hero fans.

The Modificated Wheelchair:
Damn,that was the FUNNIEST thing i've seen in such a long time!!
"Like this?" & Then off goes Annabeth is her rocket powered wheelchair (which looked like it ws going at about 5mph. Truly cringeworthy so-bad-it-was-good stuff.
haven't laughed so much in years.

I didn't think the acting was TOO bad,& O'Neal was average at best.Seen worse in many a daytime soap. But a pleasant enough way to waste 2 hours.
