Only 7.3?

This is one of the best and most important films of the decade. In Peter Biskind's great book, "Down and Dirty Pictures", he called this the best and most independent film to come out of the independent film movement, other than "Pulp Fiction" naturally.

Yeah, 220, 221, whatever it takes.




Could be a few points higher at this time (7.2 as of now), but it's still sort of generous on this site.

"Scraaaaping at the doooooor!" (Ghost Rider 2)



Agreed. It's a great film. Deserves to be in the high 8's.


I think a 7.3 is actually pretty good for this site, especially for a dark, multi-genre film.


i really liked the movie,, i remember being 21 years old and watching the war live on CNN. very accurate,, i had several friends over there.. very interesting look at the Gulf War.

are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite

