better than 3.3, certainly
its ridiculous, unabashedly plastic-fantastic commercial sludge...but CRITICALLY, and i do mean critically it doesnt take itself seriously, and thats good enough for the little lady in my life. its colorful, fairly energetic, good enough fluff.
one thing though - the "bus interior" set is lots of fun, but wouldn't it have opened up the door for some comedic possibilities if it was a bit more...cramped? if the idea of space were brought up, we could have had some gags about the posh one's wardrobe...the sporty one's excercise equipment...ANYTHING.
though why i bother bringing this up is entirely lost, even my own mind. BUT, now that i'm on the topic...the sporty one has BY FAR the best singing voice - its weird how she had absolutely no singing career after the demise of the group, but of COURSE halliwell got the sort-of solo career...i mean, she's quite a fox.