I hope they make it an 18 and that he gets a decent budget and that the studio excexts dont make hin put in charactors that are not in the comic......personaly I would like a spawn she crow cross over (thats the female crow) were spawn has to stop her taking vengence agaisnt a group of bad guys cause one of them is his son
I remember reading a Wizard (comic magazine) back in 2006 that had an interview with McFarlane in which he stated the exact same thing (as the article the O.P posted). Well, it's been close to four years and still nothing. Unless some big company decides to make this flick I'm afraid it's not going to happen.
So everyone knows, Todd said even if he has to do everything himself (aside from acting I'd assume) he will. He said it WILL get made, no matter what. He also said that it will be more about Sam and Twitch (similar to how Jaws focuses more on the people catching him) and that Spawn wouldn't have a speaking roll. I'm worried about the last part. I'd be all for a more cop-driven story, but Spawn needs ample screen time, and not even giving him a voice seems like a lot of screen time is out of the picture. He did say it would be R and creepy/scary. I'm sold either way, I just hope this is soon!
If you have actually read Mcfarlene's in depth idea of his reboot idea, its complete crap IMO. he says Spawn will barley be in it. So logical to barley put the main character in the film.