MovieChat Forums > Spawn (1997) Discussion > ReBoot, ReBoot, ReBoot

ReBoot, ReBoot, ReBoot

They should start over with Spawn and make it darker and don't go overboard with the CGI, yet at the same time we want QUALITY effects done tastefully, think The Dark Knight but with the supernatural, 10x more blood and brutality, Introduce Angela and The Redeemer, and please have Chapel instead of Priest, she sucked, then they could use him to spin-off a Youngblood film.

This Character can be saved!


Yes they should...

When they created this film, technology was just starting to shine...the details they could present today would be awesome.

Spawns got a crazy story line.

The other Jeffrey Lebowski, the Millionaire!!



I think they should have an actor do the role with that green paint on his face so they can CG it to look disgusting as possible without making people vomit.....the direction for a new Spawn film is unlimited


"I think they should have an actor do the role with that green paint on his face so they can CG it to look disgusting as possible without making people vomit.....the direction for a new Spawn film is unlimited"

moron it doesnt work like that




The *beep* is everyone so obsessed with rebooting movies?


Because reboots are a good way to reinvinte *beep* films such as Batman & Robin. Spawn is one of these products that needs a remake badly.


the film most certainly needs and desreves a re boot, the film should be much darker and edgier however i do think michael j white sould reprize his role and also john leguiziamo


I agree, I did think both Jai White & Leguiziamo played both Al Simmons & Clown perfectly. I only wish they could have done a little bit better.

But yes, Reboot please!


I also agree Leguizamo and White where PERFECT! And should be part of the reboot.



This is one of the extremely rare times that I agree that this could use a reboot, even though I almost always hate reboots. I think the Spawn characters are just too good and they didn't really get it right the first time around.


Reboots can help broken franchises like Star Trek, Batman and James Bond, so this movie needs a reboot/remake badly.

"You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN"-The Joker on Batman TAS


I wish they would do it like Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance (rebooquel?) so we get Michael Jai White (and some of the other cast back, if possible) but we don't get the origin story again and things didn't happen like in the first movie.

But that's just me.


A reboot with the same actor 15 years later? I don't think so. Just start fresh with a talented writer and director and a new cast.

I say cast Idris Elba as Simmons.

Movieman's Guide to the Movies


Yes or also djimon houndsou could be a good alternative.
Surely michael jay white got the phisique du role and still has it today.


I also think Djimon Hounsou is a good choice, Nicholas Winding Refn could make this movie unforgettable and really good


OMG i was thinking of Idris Elba too!!
