A new Spawn film

Seen as Hollywood is going through a comic book and remake/reboot phase at the moment then this seems a good time to do a new Spawn film.

If they do remake/reboot Spawn then a cast that could work in the main roles are:-

Al Simmons/Spawn - Bob Sapp
Jason Wynn - Donnie Yen
Bruce Stinson/Chapel - Lester Speight
Malebolgia - Derek Mears
Wanda Blake - Zoe Saldana
Clown/Violator - Karel Roden as the Clown then Nathan Jones when he changes to the Violator
Terry Fitzgerald - Terry Crews

As for the director then I think Del Toro would be a good choice

Yes I know Sapp is a real left field choice but the reasons I would pick him is:-
1) He's 6'4 so is the right height
2) He's very muscular so is the right build
3) He's an ex-MMA fighter and an ex-wrestler so has fighting skills

Reasons for other cast-
Yen - Wynn is meant to be oriental and trained in martial arts
Speight - He's the right height and build for Chapel
Mears - He looks demon like so would fit this character nicely
Saldana - Good actress so why not
Roden - Good at playing a sinister character, remember Rasputin from Hellboy?
Jones - Perfect size to play a demon from Hell
Crews - Good actor whos under rated by some people


Sorry but Bob Sapp as Spawn? The guy is a freakin' oversized oaf with like 2 functioning brain cells. Have you seen the guy's fights? They're pretty embarrassing to say the least. Not even the most basic boxing skills, he's only there because he's a giant.

I can't think of many black actors right now but Idris Elba might be a good choice because he's got the perfect build and he's charismatic.


Bob physically would be great for the role but with Al/Spawn being the main character I don't think he has the acting chops to do the role justice.

John Leguizamo did such a great job as Clown the first time around, I doubt anyone else could do that role any justice the way he did. I liked Roden in Hellboy but I don't think he has it in him.

I also liked the Violator some much from the original movie. I say pass on hiring an actor, use the same CG design from the original, and use that intended money for that actor to tighten up the graphics on that CG Violator. That demon/creature is out of this world and I doubt any human can duplicate that presence, the same can kinda be said about Malebolgia.

I like Crews but I would suggest Terrence Howard for the role of Terry.

A boat that floats on water can also sink in it.


Spawn - Idris Elba
Clown - Harvey Fierstein
Cogliostro - Ian McDiarmid
Wanda Blake - Kerry Washington
Terry Fitzgerald - Eamonn Walker
Jason Wynn - John Lone
Chapel - Roger Cross
Jessica Priest - Lindy Booth
Sam - John Goodman
Twitch - William H. Macy
Angela - Diane Neal
Overtkill - Derek Mears
Tony Twist - Vincent Pastore
Billy Kincaid - Ethan Suplee
The Admonisher - Arnold Schwarzenegger

And so Governor Devlin, because even the cost of freedom can be too high, I REFUSE your pardon!


If Terry Crews should play any character in spawn it probably would be chapel
