A new Spawn film
Seen as Hollywood is going through a comic book and remake/reboot phase at the moment then this seems a good time to do a new Spawn film.
If they do remake/reboot Spawn then a cast that could work in the main roles are:-
Al Simmons/Spawn - Bob Sapp
Jason Wynn - Donnie Yen
Bruce Stinson/Chapel - Lester Speight
Malebolgia - Derek Mears
Wanda Blake - Zoe Saldana
Clown/Violator - Karel Roden as the Clown then Nathan Jones when he changes to the Violator
Terry Fitzgerald - Terry Crews
As for the director then I think Del Toro would be a good choice
Yes I know Sapp is a real left field choice but the reasons I would pick him is:-
1) He's 6'4 so is the right height
2) He's very muscular so is the right build
3) He's an ex-MMA fighter and an ex-wrestler so has fighting skills
Reasons for other cast-
Yen - Wynn is meant to be oriental and trained in martial arts
Speight - He's the right height and build for Chapel
Mears - He looks demon like so would fit this character nicely
Saldana - Good actress so why not
Roden - Good at playing a sinister character, remember Rasputin from Hellboy?
Jones - Perfect size to play a demon from Hell
Crews - Good actor whos under rated by some people