CGI thoughts

Everyone says that the CGI the special-effects are terrible in this film first of all not realizing this is almost a 20-year-old filming at the time these are top notch. I actually find the cgi for violator and spawn to be very well done and dynamic. The Effects for them are honestly better than some new cgi I've seen. Malebogia/hell are truly pathetic though I will say.


Some of them have no aged well compared to Starship Troopers and Fifth Element and Men in Black which had better CGI.

I welcome a reboot since the technology has gotten better now and this is the golden age of comics, Spawn came out in the dark age of comic films before Blade saved comic films.

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"


Some of the CGI was pretty bad, but most of it was rotten.

Of course, it was made in 1997 and although great CGI was certainly possible (Jurassic Park, 1993), Spawn had pretty standard CGI for its time, in that genre, with that budget. I saw it when it was new and cannot recall reacting adversely to the CGI.


I actually find the cgi for violator and spawn to be very well done and dynamic.
Violator looked fine, sure. It was down in Hell that the overall environment looked like garbage. Much of the practical effects don't look so good, by the way.


...not realizing this is almost a 20-year-old filming at the time these are top notch.

Shows what you know. Even when this came out the CGI looked bad. To put this into perspective this was made in 97 and Jurassic Park was made in 93. That's literally four years before and this movie had CGI that looked like it was from the 80's. It was too cartoony. It lacked any real depth and there was no motion capture done to make the characters move properly.

And if you honestly think that the CGI for Spawn and Violator are better than some done today then either you're looking at really bad CGI or you can't tell good from bad because this is seriously just bad.


My largest problem with Spawn was Malebogia's mouth never moves, and it swayed like it was a South Park character (actually they do better animation).
Maybe if the CGI team(s) had left out the flaming cape scene transfer effects and just had regular ending credits, they could have used those extra millions of dollars on the actual effects.


Yea some were great and like you said not others. but they got the important parts right.
Since I usually go for the story and not the cgi its not THAT big of a deal for me.

But you also have to consider they are taking a gamble, they had a stellar cast, and the real movie would be extremly costly. Like 10 times more.


I saw this when it came out and I thought it looked really fake. Especially the climax in Hell.


The CGI is not good, even for 1997. The cape for Spawn's suit I will give a pass but hell and Malebogia were inexcusable.
