Joel leaving

Does anyone else find it odd he left just like that
During a police investigation you are not allowed to leave.

You're a survivor arent you sidney?


Joel did what any same person would do in that situation .. Your involved with a group of people you really don't know when a madman is stalking them and killing them?

Time to go.


The actor actually asked if he could do that scene instead of ending up dead lol

"It's game over man, it's game over!!!"


Yeah? That's awesome then... It really is what most people would do in that situation


The guy who played Joel asked for his character to live? I liked his character but he should have died, if that was me I'd want a cool death scene, go out with a bang instead of a whimper


I think he/they wanted to break the "black guy always dies" rule.



The first 10 minutes of the movie we had Jada and Omar getting killed for the opening. Then Elise Neal gets kilied before the final act. So having Duane sticking around would have been a little too much. It was great to see one black guy walk away without getting killed.


You mean as in it looked suspicious? He went to get donuts when Randy was killed. There had to been witnesses.


“White people dead, we gettin’ the fuck outta here!”
