MovieChat Forums > The Saint (1997) Discussion > Background Music when Emma is driving to...

Background Music when Emma is driving to meet simon

I posted ten minutes ago but I am not sure if it made the bulletin board.

The Scene when Emma is driving to meet simon at his house in the wood of England, there is music in the background that didn't make the soundtrack.

Does anybody know if I can download it or buy it somewhere?



You meen like final cue, when movie is almost over? It's film's score by Graeme Revell Called: "Love Theme Finale" You could find it on Saint Score CD.


I am not sure if we are talking about the same music. Maybe we are but just to confirm, its the music that we hear as emma meets simon in his house. The music is not on the saint soundtrack if that is what you mean by the saint score CD.


cmon, man, i said SCORE. this can't be SOUNDTRACK! it's not the same!

soundtrack - usually only SONGS by various artists with lyrics (rarely + bonus tracks by film composer)

SCORE - score by film composer ONLY!!!!

I said - score, this means, Graem Revell's score for The Saint movie. The track is track No.14 - "Love Theme Finale", the last track on the cd. Read carefully!


I see that you enjoyed this film as much as I did. I just discovered it this year. I don't know what rock I've been living under...but anyway, I purchased the sound track from the movie also searching for the music from the scene you mentioned only to find that there is a difference between a movie score and a movie soundtrack.

The Love Theme you're looking for is on the The Saint Score CD by Graeme Revell. I loved the music from this movie so much that I spent $40 for it...and what can I say, I'm not disappointed. There is something so beautiful about the love theme that each time I hear it a smile comes across my face.

Well, hopefully this will help you.
