MovieChat Forums > The Saint (1997) Discussion > So, Am I the only one...

So, Am I the only one...

..Who can watch this movie EVERY TIME is being played on the TV?

I mean, I can watch this movie again, and again, and again and still find it entertaining. I watch this movie 3 days ago, and I just watch it today, and still had a good time.

Where were you while we were getting high?----oasis, champagne supernova


nooo youre not the only one... me too!! ;)



What's a VCR?




in defending the illusory self you become ignorant of the true self, you suffer and suffer again.


Beta machines are better as the tapes were far smaller.. If they had the money they could have made a smaller machine. VHS came along with a larger source of revenue and a bigger tape and made Beta obsilete. Money is the root of all evil and some good.




I watch this movie religiously!



I just bought it on DVD 'cause I haven't watched it since I was 14 or so, and I'm 19 now. Still a great, entertaining film. I dunno why so many people hate it so much. Even if it's nothing like what Roger Moore was involved in, it's still a good movie in its own right.

No matter how much you love someone, you'll step back when the pool of their blood gets too close.



this movie is great entertainment. Everyone who doesn't like it can go *beep* themselves.



I love this movie - especially the romance between Simon and Emma - fantastic.



Oh, you're such a kind spirit.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


Well you are obviously not of the Jewish or Muslim faiths.


control101: You watch it religiously? You must be a saint!


I love this movie too! While at Oxford University recently, I got the opportunity to see the Percy Shelley memorial and it is every bit as beautiful as it is in the movie.


this is a good movie. i seen it f r the first time when i was like 12 on an airplane. love this movie


This is one of my favorite contemporary classics. Every time I see this movie on TV I have to watch at least some of it. It was a lot of fun. It always brings back fond memories and transports me back to the first time I saw it in theaters. I really wish they made a sequel.



you are not the only one my friend...i always watch this movie again and again and again and again because i have it in my pc ;) and i have the graeme ravell in my ipod too go figure! lol


I love this film...and have watched it many times over!! :)

Where they burn books, they will ultimately also burn people.



I too love this is also one of the few that I also have the CD and I still listen to it again and again.


Your not alone.

This is one of my favorite movies and it never seems to get old. Even though its been 15 years :O




I've seen it many times but the main reason is Ms Shue. She is so drop dead beautiful throughout this movie. I'll probably watch it again just for her...
