This could have been The Saint´s Casino Royale.
Yes, cause originally this was meant to be an origin story that tell us why Simon Templar is modern Crusader who travels through the world using his skills for fighting evilness and why he never engages himself on a serious sentimental relation ship with a woman and preffer being a womanizer.
In the original script Emma Russell dies tragically on a heart attack dued to being poisoned by Tretiak´s son on the embassy gate by kicking her with a stingy shoe. Templar travels back to Russia, spoils Tretiak´s plot with the help of the russian scientis. The Tretiak´s run away from the crowd on ther car and hide on their home while being pursued by Templar and russian army. Tretiak senior kills the scientist for his treason and himslef is killed by his son. Templar sneakes into the mansion at the same times is bombed by army tanks. He finishes fighting with Yli above a big chandelier while the building burns in flames. Ylia falls and dies. Later, on a bridge Simons remembers Emma an he swears to her that he will dedicate his life to fight evilness.
Sadly all this was deleted and they chose a much more conventional ending.