MovieChat Forums > The Relic (1997) Discussion > Frustrating guns not being fired

Frustrating guns not being fired

Debatable about how effective they'd be, but there were at least three occasions where police could have fired but didn't/couldn't.
The cop guarding the Blaisedales fired and had a jam, but then it looks like he took out another gun or tried to clear, click again! Then the Swat guys coming through the roof, didn't occur to any of them to use their SMGs as they were too busy running away. And down in the tunnels when the cop with the shotgun is leading the people away, when the beast grabs the woman and rears up in front of him, and he just looks and watches it walk away. Hollywood, I guess.


In regards to the third scene, he was carrying a shotgun so i thought it was impossible for him to have a clear shot without hitting the woman caught by the beast. Haha but definately about SWAT, the police cops stammering and hesitating doesnt surprise me such, but i would assume SWAT would have more composure to waste the beast


Guns don't work on Hollywood monsters. You can blast away all day without killing more than one or two - until your the last survivour then it's easy to kill them.


They don't work on the book's monster either. Being a big fan of the book I can tell you that the beast basically laughed at firearms. There was nothing SWAT could have done, excepting a lucky shot. The thing had ribs that where like steel slats only much wider and a skin that was extremely resilient. I won't spoil the book for anyone but I'll tell you that in the book Margo and Pendergast discover the creature's Achilles heel just before they were going to be pureed.
