MovieChat Forums > The Relic (1997) Discussion > A privileged white heroine calling an As...

A privileged white heroine calling an Asian man a --

-- jerk??

A black security guard lighting up a joint in the bathroom??


Two decidedly un-PC decisions that would never, ever fly today (especially the first one)

Just another example of how completely ****ed up our culture has become in the last 10 years.


Also the white mayor is bragging to a cop he doesn't even know about his wife's tits.
Oh, and they also make fun of the disabled - the museum curator in the wheelchair is mercilessly eaten.

They compensate for it all by:
1) making the white guy who discovered the leaves very stupid (sent them to Chicago and also ate them) and making him a monster (literally).
2) showing the main female as a smart and strong character, as she is the one who blows up the stupid white male slimy monster.



Love your reply. It was spot-on and you seem to "get" Politcal Correctness as few people do, although many people claim they do. They don't. Also, PC is a toxin that has been introduced into the bloodstream of Western culture, and it is slowly but surely killing us.

Maybe not so slowly.



No, I have no faith it's going to die off either. There's an entire generation that's grown up marinated in a giant PC stewpot. It's how they view the world, and I don't see that worldview ever changing... at least until America gets attacked again, which it certainly will eventually. It could happen this year, it could happen in 10 years, but it's going to happen at some point, and until it does, these delusional Millennial snowflakes will continue to cling to the idea that every culture on earth rests on the same moral footing. Which of course is madness.

And by the way, I couldn't bring myself to support Trump OR Hillary, and I didn't pull the lever for either one. And I have no regrets about that. Sorry, amigo. And a lot of what comes out of Donald Trump's mouth drives me crazy.


It is kind of refreshing to have a President who's willing to call radical Islam radical Islam. That's defiintley a change for the better.



I agree with part of what you said. But I am not a 9/11 Truther, and therefore do not believe the government had any foreknowledge of the attack.

Most of what Trump has done in his first few days as POTUS has been positive, in my opinion.

--Most of it. There are always exceptions, and I wish to hell he would stop tweeting

But I don't believe there is anything Trump can do to "end PC." Political correctness is a function of the culture, not the government, so what exactly could a President do to make your generation less PC?



Well, as you probably know a president cannot enact laws but yes, he can in many cases (through his presidential veto power) prevent laws from being enacted. And yes, he certainly sets an example for the rest of the country.

But keep in mind that more than half the country thinks the example he sets is a bad one (remember: Hillary Clinton won a majority of the popular vote).

So Trump can't "end PC." No individual can "end PC."

The only thing that could possibly "end PC" -- or at least curtail it for a little while -- is another massive Islamic attack on U.S. soil. And by "massive" I don't mean like the Boston marathon bombing. I mean like 9/11, with thousands dead. And that kind of attack is coming eventually. Probably in the next few years.



remember: Hillary Clinton won a majority of the popular vote

(1) If you take California out of the equation, she didn't. And (2) all the urban areas of California, as well as the counties closest to the Mexican border, are Demonic-rat strongholds. Of course the Dems are notorious for voting fraud to achieve and maintain power, e.g. dead republicans voting Democrat, repeat votes, illegal alien votes and switched republican votes (etc.) to Dem votes. Anyone who thinks this isn't happening is living in fantasy land. With this understanding, there are roughly 5 million fraudulent votes in California alone.

So, no, HeyLIARy Rotten Clinton did not win the popular vote. She simply won a bunch of fraudulent "votes."


Bull****. Everything you said is a bunch of damn lies and fake news pushed by fox news. Clinton won the popular vote. trump never won the popular vote in either election. All that nonsense you're running off at the mouth about "fraudulent votes" was just a bunch of BS trump was spouting that he never could prove, because it never happened. The current defamation lawsuit against fox news by Dominion Systems, who provided the voting machines, is bringing out proof that the main talking heads on fox news (which is nothing but a propaganda arm and promotional tool of the republican party) not only knew that trump's claims of voter fraud weren't true---they never believed him in the first place. But they couldn't go on air and tell their audience that because their bosses were more concerned about their damn ratings than telling their audience the truth. That's what they're on trial for now---for pushing trump's damn lies about the election being rigged.


You're out of the loop, aren't you, my friend? Fox News hasn't been genuinely Conservative -- wise, honest, pro-American -- for a looong time, except for a few shows, like Tucker Carlson (only because he makes the producers lots of money via viewership).

The truth hurts concerning gross Dem voting fraud, huh? You probably really believe 0Biden got 81 million votes when he just hid in his basement during campaign season. When he DID go out he had a hard time gathering 38 people in circles, literally.🤣 Yup, he got the most votes in American history and 12 million MORE than Obama in 2008. Why Sure!🤣 It wasn't long ago that half of his 22 million followers on Twitter turned out to be bots.🤣

You don't put barbed-wire fencing around the Capitol during your "inauguration" and send the FBI to raid the home of your political opponent unless you cheated and still fear the man you stole the election from).

Speaking of which, 0Biden's "win" was statistically impossible. When Obama received his then record-breaking 69 million votes in 2008 he carried 873 counties (of 3,141) and 18/19 bellwether counties. In 2020, Trump got well over 74 million votes carrying 2497 counties (of 3,141) and 18/19 bellwether. Both Obama and Trump won house seats those years, not to mention the states FL, OH and IA. Compare these figures with 0Biden who supposedly got 81 million votes -- the most in history BY FAR -- but only winning 477 counties (of 3,141) and only 1/19 bellwether while losing house seats and not winning FL, OH and IA.

Thus 0Biden's 2020 "win" is The Big LIE.


Only you two trolls are making a big deal about some movie that very few people have heard of, and whining about some supposed "political correctness" in it, simply because the white guy in it dosen't get the last word, or whatever. How pathetic. There's nothing "politically correct" about a woman being the hero, or a black man smoking a joint. I actually haven't seen the film, but it's funny how white men whine and b**** about the fact that times has changed, the movies are simply reflecting that, and that white men are no longer the only heroes in the movies nowadays. Get the hell over it, and quit whining about it.


So all the nasty little morons in this thread like hatred then?

Good luck when someone bigger, more intelligent and stronger than you exercises his (or her) brand of that...


Oh good. More political hysteria on an entertainment topic. Can’t you all just jerk off in the privacy of your own homes?

Sorry. I forgot that you can’t get it up in the first place. That’s why you’re so angry! My mistake.


I think you're silly.

~ the hardest thing in this world... is to live in it ~


What's un-PC about it? He was a jerk. He was trying to steal her funding. Then he tried to have her locked in the lab area so she couldn't meet the benefactors.


I’ve seen this movie a lot of times, and never once had the impression that the white woman was privileged; or we assuming that all white people are privileged? But that would be racist. You’d have to be a jerk to think that.

And, yes, the Asian sycophant was a jerk.


Did she call him a jerk? When was that?

She called him a gerbil. Which is much funnier.


