is the DVD uncut? because on the cover it says its unrated but the disc says that its R rated and 115 min long

compton is n da house


No the original Uncut is 122 min long.


Actually the dvd you have, running at 115 min. is extremely cut. This film is not available in the States in a totally uncut format. The full version runs 125 min, 26 sec.



The only thing i know is that the German dvd is the uncut version of this film, running at 125 minutes. I have never heard of a longer version.


I Notice that too it says it 125 mins.

but the run time on the actually DVD when you put in a DVD Player runs 122 mins.

So Really the box can say it runs Three hours long but if the DVD stop at 122 min.
then it 122 mins no matter how you slice it.


But is it true that the German dvd is uncut?


Actually, from what I've heard (I haven't seen the German DVD), the German DVD is STILL missing a few seconds, that likely aren't going to be restored on any release. (Frankly, it's one minor cut that I don't mind.)

In an original print that was shown at at least one film festival, and then was only ever available on video in a rare, poor quality bootleg version, there is a sequence of vile child sexual abuse.

This scene has been cut slightly all over the world to my knowledge. Again, I frankly don't want it restored. It is a scene where the Reggie character comes to see the gangster Santos (played by Don Strous). The really cut version omits the scene entirely. The U.S. version begins when Reggie enters the room and begins talking to Santos, and you can see an inexplicably crying little girl sitting on the couch. After a few lines of dialogue, Reggie and Santos get up to leave the room, and Santos gently caresses the little girl's crying face, then the two men go outside and talk. In the so-called 'uncut' Euro versions, the sequence begins with Santos slapping the little girl's face, in close-up, and then wagging his finger at her, saying "You were bad!". She cries, then Reggie enters. Then, the scene plays out as in the US version. However... the TRULY uncut version is waayy over the line, in my humble opinion, especially for a film of this type. In the early, rare, bootleg cut, the scene begins with a fade in from black on Santos' face. As the camera pulls back from his sweating face, we see that the little girl is going down on him (she is shown from behind, but still...), THEN, he slaps her, wags his finger, and says, "You were bad! I told you not to bite!" She falls back, crying, onto the couch. THEN, Reggie enters, and so on.

Now, I have not seen the UK or German recent releases of this film. The ones that boast they are completely uncut. But, if they are missing that footage, they are still cut slightly. I suspect that it would be illegal for the truly uncut version to be released officially in many territories. This is where the rumors of the film being cut due to underage sexual activity came from, in addition to the fact that, in the film, Bardem rapes a girl that is supposed to be 17 (in reality, however, the actress was 26 at the time). The film was, indeed, treading dangerously close to being considered child porn in some regions. And in case anyone wonders, NO I do NOT have or own the uncut bootleg, nor do I want to.

Normally, I do not advocate censorship in movies, and you can have all the ADULT sex and violence you want. But, I simply must draw the line when it comes to small children. That's just wrong. And especially in a glorified exploitation action thriller like this, it's simply unnecessary for anything other than tasteless shock value.

Without that offensive sequence, this is a pretty fun, darkly humorous, despicably entertaining little action/road movie. But that scene is simply not necessary.


You have to admit it takes brass balls to include such a scene in a movie. As long as it's simulated, I don't see the problem as it makes the character in question eviler by a hundred times.

Since It's not a wide audience oriented movie, I don't understand the outrage.


I guess some adults find child sexual abuse even when faked, to ba an outrage in itself. I'm glad that scen wasn't in the DVD I bought. There's nothing entertaining about that. Most normal people would understand the outrage.



Even if this is a very old post, just wanted to add that the mexican DVD edition runs 123'42".... i noticed this just now, but seems this dvd is a bit difficult to find nowadays...
