ah, the old phrase "but then we wouldn't have a movie, would we?" comes up. This is a DUMB movie full of STUPID plot holes. Granted, there are minor reasons why things supposedly make sense but come on, it's a movie..... that fails to cover the spread between plausibility and suspension of an average amount of disbelief.
Some of many... Clooney drops into the truck on the bridge - and the general we just saw shoot a border guard _tackles_ him. Um, why not shoot him? BTWWHAM,WW?
Previously, we saw a hundred trucks stalled on a road with refugees. Straining credulity to the max, Clooney calls the guys on the phone... we'll let that one pass... he knows the guy, they have banter, yeah sure... but this causes the guy to suddenly pull out of line in traffic. Um, if he was in a hurry, why didnt he do that earlier? He's the only truck driver out of a hundred to try the right lane? Such patience... Of course he does this AFTER looking up into the sky... whatever.
The guy who has the nuke has a message he wants broadcast to the world, explaining his nutty philosphy - so he leaves it on his kitchen table, in Sarevjo. I guess he's not too pickly about the timing, eh? This is of course BEFORE he gets on a plane to NYC.
I like the HUGE PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED "PAUSE" button right over the timer. They don't even try that one. Sure there is probably a passcode involved but hey, isn't it worth a TRY?
Also, they sort of glide over the fact that when she cripples the bomb she has simply made it into a "dirty" bomb that spread nasty plutonium all over the place. That entire church now has to be encased in cement like it was Chernobyl. Cool, "let's all have a beer!" Of course that is on top of the radiation poisoning she already encountered handling the *beep* with her bare hands. I'm no scientist, but I have a hunch that her arms would have fallen off in the next 24 hours.
And, as part of the defusing in the church scene Clooney warns they can't take the backpack off the guy since it has a "trip wire." If it did, why didn't the baddie take the damn thing off himself?
Also what's up with all the talking? When you corner the guy with a backpack nuke you don't stick around to hear his stupid grievences. Shoot him! Do you really think asking him "pretty please" will get him to change his mind?
Oh well. "but then we wouldn't have a movie, would we? Other people have done this sort of crap and made it more plausible. You can't expect them all to be gems.