MovieChat Forums > The Peacemaker (1997) Discussion > 10/10. I gave it 3/10, made thread here ...

10/10. I gave it 3/10, made thread here saying that. RETRACTING.


In a thread here long back, I rated this 3/10 [because of Kidman] and said this film is 'US-jingoistic-imperialistic' - don't know what I was smoking when I saw the film before... sorry

I saw the film again, sober and very carefully. It is not so - au contraire!

Great film: 10/10.

Went over the politics of the film with a microscope [it was heavy going for me this time - since i know too much about the NATO action in yugoslavia - read everything chomsky and others have written on it...]. Right on spot. Better I'd say than 'the interpreter' because though it rightly focuses on zimbabwe [the country there is obviously zimbabwe] - but not pointing enough fingers at other horrible but pro-US regimes weakens 'the interpreter'... no such weakness in 'the peacemaker'.


btw the main user-review you see on the main page of this film is couldn't be more off the mark. So are all of them, as far as I had the patience to look.

Are they talking about a different film? another 'the peacemaker' with two *other* people called Kidman and Clooney, who are not the Kidman and Clooney of this 'the peacemaker'??


go back and resmoke that same *beep* that made you puke before !
