Confusing Geography

Ok, when the helicopters fly up from an air base somewhere in Turkey, their supposed to intercept the truck which is somewhere on the Dagestan border in Russia and Azerbaijan.

How in the world did they reach Russia and then I'm assuming Azerbaijan?

Turkey borders three countries to the east: Armenia, Georgia, and Iran. From the looks of it, they entered Georgia and then entered Russia and had one of their helos shot down.

So from Georgia into Russia, helo is shot down, and from there they enter Nagorno-Karabakh or Azerbaijan?

Can someone explain this to me or am I just going to get "its just a movie, move along" for an answer?

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need


I agree, they said "You must return to Turkish Airspace your intrusion is unauthorized." It's definately a goof in Geography. Furthermore the scene along the bridge was not actually filmed in Russia. It was filmed in Southwestern Macedonia.


Southwestern Macedonia would be somewhere in Greece (and it was not filmed in Greece). I believe you mean Northwestern Macedonia.

To the original poster: This is probably an intended goof to make things easier.

As long as you believe it, it is true.


NO, I meant south western Macedonia the COUNTRY not the territory in Greece. If you're gonna give me that greek crap then STFU. Anyways, to the OP, it was def. a goof.


Please define then! Because south-western Macedonia literally is Kozani, Greece.

PS It is fair enough to be called North-Macedonia, or something similar, given your country does occupy the North part of Macedonia, but trying to have the exclusivity over the term is outrageous.
There are Greek Macedons (I am not one of them for arguments sake) and it is totally unfair towards them
to be mistaken for Slavs, when they refer to themselves as Macedons!

Dislaimer: Macedonia is a geographic region shared between Greece, Bulgaria and FYROM (Macedonia).
In ancient times it was inhabited by the Greek speaking ancient Macedons. In modern days the northern part is inhabited by Bulgarian speaking Slav descendants (Bulgaria and FYROM) as well as Albanians (FYROM) with the southern part still inhabited by Greek speaking population (Greece)

As long as you believe it, it is true.


I really think that Greek people need to realise that NO ONE knows that there is a Greek region called Macedonia, so you should just drop that argument.
It's just ridiculous. The people who live in the Republic of Macedonia (or FYRoM) are called Macedonians, while the people living in the Greek region of Macedonia are called Greeks and they both should have a right to their country baring the name of the people.. just like most countries of the world do.

And the argument that they will demand more land - seriously?! They never did and never will, so just get over it and let the poor people have a proper name for their country.

And the Oscar goes to... by a nose, NICOLE KIDMAN!


The fact that no one knows that there is a Greek region called Macedonia (and the fact that Macedonia along with Thrace, Ipeiros etc. have been ancient Greek kingdoms) is really sad and is the very reason to bring up this argument so that people begin to know.
There are people in Greece who consider themselves Macedonians, the same way people in the UK define themselves as Scottish.
I hope people in FYROM (or whatever name) give as all a brake and start identifying themselves as Slav Macedonians the same way Turkish Cypriots (along with Greek Cypriots) use an ethnic prefix.
So that we may all rest in peace regarding this matter.

As long as you believe it, it is true.


Dude I learned about the ancient Macedonian cilivization in Greece in like third grade history class. Never heard too much about the country of Macedonia.


Well, get this Uber... not only did they fly in to Russia from Turkey, but Dusan's brother jumped off the truck in Russia (or for the sake of argument, Georgia), then he met up with Dusan and the small private plane, and they flew back to Sarajevo, where Dusan changed clothes and got on to a jet to New York BEFORE THE HELICOPTERS MADE IT BACK TO THEIR AIR BASE IN TURKEY!

Still-it was a really exciting movie!

Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle. You've gotta tell them. SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!



"Turkey borders three countries to the east: Armenia, Georgia, and Iran."

...and Azerbaijan (Naxchivan)


