I'm a huge fan of 24, but not enough so that I can't recognize its many faults when I see it. Yes, it is intense, and yes it is very well-acted, but it almost must abide by their own real-time format, AND the rules of being on a public telivision network.
I think 24 is hands-down the greatest show on the air today, and head and shoulders above anything Hollywood's done in the last ten years. I'm so tired of sequels and remakes (or sequals to remakes of adaptations of books)I can't even tell you. 24 was a breath of fresh air when it debuted back in 2001, and while it has fallen prey to some of its own traps and cliche's, is still without equal.
The inhererent differences between tv and movies prevent us from making a fair comparison between Peacemaker and 24, but suffice to say they both excel in the medium presented.
I should also add that as a fan of movie soundtracks, the first time I saw Peacemaker it was pretty much a 2-hour music video as far as I was concerned. Hans Zimmer was all over that one, and I can't imagine what that movie would have been without him. On the same note, though, Sean Callery has evolved more in 6 seasons of 24 than most composers do in their entire lives.
Anyway, while Peacemaker doesn't have the luxury of developing characters and throwing in plot twists over the course of an entire season, it does make for a very intense viewing experience, and some killer action sequences to boot. Plus, it can get right to the point instead of slowing down the pace with subplots involving blondes and mountain lions.