The Iranian claim that their nuclear program is geared towards producing electricity and medical isotopes is bulls%#@. Plain and simple. Their goal is one of two things, and both relate to their strained relationships with the revolutionary government's mortal enemies, Israel and United States.
Scenario #1:
The Iranian government produces enough fissile material to fuel a working nuclear bomb, and develops the technology to make it mobile. They then turn that weapon over to either their own agents, or proxies in other countries (Hezbollah in Lebanon, or a Palestinian militant organization are prime candidates) for use against a major Israeli target or targets. Tel Aviv or Haifa would likely be first. This would be followed by a massive campaign of both conventional and asymmetric warfare by the same proxy groups and elements of the Iranian military. With Israel in shambles after the first strike, Islamic militant groups and states throughout the greater middle east would join in and destroy the Israeli state, murdering millions upon millions of people in the process. The western response would be immense, and the resulting war would end many of the governments in the middle east, including the Iranian regime.
Scenario #2: (Far more likely)
The Iranian government develops the capacity to manufacture small numbers of small-scale nuclear weapons, and the fuels necessary to make them work. They go to great efforts to hide these weapons and make it impossible for Israeli, American or other western intelligence operatives to find and neutralize them. They then use them as a deterrent against the western powers so that they can proceed with their efforts against the Israeli state without interference. Their newly acquired nuclear clout will give them the leverage they need to convince moderate governments throughout the region to join their cause, further destabilizing the region. With Iran having nuclear weapons, the US and its allies would be far more cautious about interfering.
Either of these scenarios would be a nightmare for the region. The revolutionary government in Iran has stated time and time again its desire to destroy Israel and the United States. Having made such statements, and being a constant asymmetric threat to the Israeli people, there is no way the western governments can tolerate them f#$@ing around with nuclear weapons. They are bad enough in the hands of responsible governments (US, Britain, France, Russia, China) who've had them for decades and never used them. The exception of course being the nuclear bombing of Japan to end WWII. Any fair minded individual knows that there were legitimate reasons for that.
The bottom line is their is no legitimate reason for the Iranian government to need nuclear power. They are awash in oil, and don't need it for electricity. Nuclear isotopes are available for medical use throughout the world. The ONLY reason for their program is to develop nuclear bombs for use in the fight against Israel. The most important facet of the Arab-Israeli conflict is this. IF THE ISRAELIS STOPPED FIGHTING, THEY WOULD BE SLAUGHTERED, IF THE MUSLIMS STOPPED FIGHTING, THERE WOULD BE PEACE!! That is why I side with the Israelis.