Hilarious night-vision gear
The train scene looked great, had great pacing, but...
The way that the NV goggles chirped and whirred to life when switched on, and red LEDs lit up in each lens, made me laugh out loud. I've never seen real NV gear like that, and I've seen a lot of it. Was this to tell non-techy viewers that they were wearing night-vision goggles? I can't think of any other reason for it. Troops could pick those guys off with easy head shots in complete darkness. Thing about it, would you want two bright red "shoot me" dots on your head, if you were in combat?
Also, why the visible-spectrum red laser sights? If they were wearing night vision gear, they would have use IR-spectrum laser sights with beams that are not visible to the naked eye, but are visible through the NV gear. Was this to tell non-techy viewers, who just assume that all laser sights have a visible red beam, that they were using laser sights? I can't think of any other reason for it.
Apparently, the filmmakers got their military advisers from a box of crackerjacks.