MovieChat Forums > The Peacemaker (1997) Discussion > One Serious Problem I Have

One Serious Problem I Have

The heroes save the day by preventing a nuclear explosion. But in the process a smaller explosion blows plutonium to bits in midtown New York City. I remember from high school physics that plutonium is the most lethal inorganic material known, and that a softball-sized sphere, properly distributed, could kill everyone on earth. Granted that the sphere in the movie was only baseball-sized, George Clooney and Nicole Kidman should have been in the last throes of radiation poisoning at the end of the movie.


Reread your high school physics books on how long it takes someone to die of radiation poisoning.


I think the point was that they took it into the chapel and that held in a lot of the blast. The two heroes were immediately gotten by hazmat, stripped and hosed down (presumably.) Maybe they will have long term health effects.

Additionally, I seem to remember that at least some of these types of bombs have an extra layer between the implosive charges and the fissionable material - perhaps this gave them some extra protection. (At least until the explosion.)

But they may have long-term health effects and there would be a hot-zone around the church that would take some cleaning. Depending on the weather, it may have gotten pretty big.


Outside the health effects to the main characters (they wouldn't live long), it's the hot-zone idea that causes the real damage. People would move away from the area, and possibly from the entire city, just to feel safe. The economic damage would be enormous.
