Let me get this straight.

They new that Dusan was headed for New York. They knew he was in possession of a nuclear WMD that could wipe out half of Manhattan. They did, in fact cover LaGuardia airport and even boarded Dusan's aircraft. How did he slip by? Given the critical nature of it all, you would expect dozens of police surrounding every arriving plane and scrutinization of each passenger with a fine tooth comb.

They tracked Dusan to the hotel. They all go up one elevator as he comes down in another. COME ON!!!!!! I don't need to elaborate about this cause there'd be 100 cops surrounding the hotel and dozens guarding every exit and elevator. Such nonsense!!!

Made me cringe, but damned good movie, anyway.
Mountain Man


"How did he slip by?"

He had diplomatic papers. Legally, a diplomat cannot be detained or searched (including their bags) without SEVERE consequences. The guys at the airport did not have a lot of warning and it did not occur to them that they had to risk an international incident by stopping diplomats. Remember that even the good guys hadn't figured out at this point that he was travelling as a diplomat.

"...there'd be 100 cops surrounding the hotel and dozens guarding every exit and elevator. Such nonsense!!!"

No, they didn't have time to plan out an elaborate net to catch this guy. They were the first ones on the scene and charged up without setting up a perimeter. Waiting to set one up would not have done them any good since they didn't have enough people to cover every exit and he might have gotten away while they were planning and setting it up. And they still weren't even sure if they were at the right place, after the right guy. They did the best they could - they rushed up and stormed the room hoping to catch him off guard. Presumable more people were on the way but had not arrived yet.


ksjazzguitar, you have to put things in perspective. We're talking a "defcon-2-type" situation here; imminent nuclear detonation. C'mon, you know how many cops there are in the big city? They knew in advance he was heading to NYC. Same goes for the hotel where he exits the elevator as they are going up. I mean, how many cops are needed to intercept him (could they spare 2?)? Your explanation might stand up for a moderate situation, but put it in perspective!!!!

p.s. I realize they had to make the movie exciting... it was!!!!
Mountain Man


I think you're giving cops a bit too much credit. You know how many people there are in NYC? What exactly is your gripe? That the police weren't eagle eyed enough to see him? You have to remember, this is 97. Very few cell phones and the ones that were around only made phone calls. Also its pre-9/11 so its not like every NY flatfoot would know the potential severity of a dirty bomb or even what one is. What would these two extra cops you speak of even have been looking for at that time? They didn't know his face. Have you ever been at a real emergency scene of any kind? It's chaos until everyone gets coordinated.
Yes him coming down as they were going up was a bit cinematic, but it was an easy way to simply show that they just missed him.


Weren't there a team of them though? How hard would it have been to have a couple of the men stationed at the bottom of the lift and main exits? Seems like crappy writing.


Defcon 2 has nothing to do with a terrorist nuclear attack.


He slipped by as he has diplomatic credentials.


They also didn't know Dusan was the one with the nuke at the time. They concentrated their search on the brother, whom they did catch at JFK. And obviously they couldn't search his luggage (no doubt shielded to escape detection) because he was a diplomat. Hence the reason for assassinating the finance minister of the Serbian government at the beginning of movie.

"Fourth wall break inside of a fourth wall break? That's like...16 walls!"--Deadpool
