...I don't seem to recall Devoe making that statement or thinking that way; the character is pretty hard-core about going AFTER terrorists, no matter what it takes.
In Devoe's mind...water-boarding would just be a good idea. Saves his knuckles.
The rest of the previous reviewers input is good...but that one comment appears to have him confused with a Michael Moore movie, perhaps.
I have always liked this movie; with the exception of the "make sure he can take orders from a woman" attitude. Nicole Kidman didn't need that kind of lame dialog.
are you surprised that the worlds greatest terrorists - the US administration -educated half the world's terrorists ? Or perhaps illegally invading countries for the purpose of econonimc gain and causing the deaths of at least 500,000 innocent civilians in Iraq doesn't count as terrorism in the eyes of Anerica and Britain ?
Well, i have to congratulate the people who made the film by casting a Pakistani as a terrorist in 1997. Most of you whites were gushing over Pakistani freedom fighters until 9-11, but this movie had the foresight ........look at the world today, Pakistan is full of terrorists and exactly the same thing may happen - , Nucear Jihad, Pakistani help, Irani execution.
mira943- I wouldn't say it was prescient that the nuclear scientist working with the terrorists written in the script as a Pakistani national. Remember when this movie was released, it was 1997. The first WTC attack in 1993 had already occurred where during the subsequent trial Ramzi Yousef, Sheikh Omar Rahman plus five others, it was found that the leaders had been trained in Al Qaida camps in Afghanistan. These camps were heavily supported by some of the Deodandi madrassa schools in Pakistan. Also don't forget that the Al Qaida bombing on the Khobar Towers apartment complex in Saudi Arabia in 1996 had already happened.
Also, note that as of 2005 nearly 40% of the science and engineering graduate degrees granted by U.S. Universities were awarded to foreign nationals (MS,PhD, ScD, EngD). And it's estimated that by 2010, 90% of the world's engineers and scientists will be from Asia.
I think the filmmakers were right on with the statement that "the US has educated half the worlds terrorists".
Many decent foreign people come here to study & only want an education. But i've read of others who weren't so innocent. Case in point, the 9/11 hijackers who took flying lessons in Florida & then used that knowledge to fly & crash the 4 airliners. Chinese spies have been known to come to the U.S. to study our various technologies, weapons & nuclear programs & then go home & report it to their superiors. And A.Q. Khan, the head of the Paskistani nuclear program & probably the inspiration for the character in this movie, alledgedly sold his nuclear bomb making secrets to North Korea, Iran & Libya. The only difference between him & the movie is that he was educated in the Netherlands instead of Harvard.
I think many of the terrorists who hate & despise the Western world, pretend to like us just long enough so that they can obtain a visa, get into our schools & then use the knowledge that they obtain to try & destroy us. Pretty sad & frightening all at the same time.
In the scene with the USAF helicopters violating Russian Airspace, when the Russian officer says " Take them out" , what is he really saying in Russian?
There was a news story about ten years back (I think it might have been 60 Minutes) about the trend of Middle Eastern students coming to college here majoring in Physics and Nuclear Engineering and related fields. One of the rules when those students come here from overseas is that they have to declare a major, and the US Government had quotas on how many foreign students could attend college here in majors related to science and Engineering. But there was no rule that the student couldn't change their major once they got here, and the problem was that thousands of foreign students were coming here from the middle east and getting Student Visas to major in English or History or Music, but after one semester they were changing their majors to Nuclear-related science and Engineering fields, and were bumping a lot of American Students out of the classes related to those type majors. When I attended college on the west coast in the early 80's I was a math major and took lots of science classes, but all the middle eastern guys in my classes were all majoring in nuclear related fields. I am certain some of them are probably in Iran right now working on their Nuclear project, and few if any of them are still in the US.