Terribly underrated

That's one great movie.. I really can't get why It ain't popular here on IMDB ??
4 comments?? come on .. I mean big mama's house has more comment for christ's sake ...
I think andy Was neat in that movie.. the whole plot and direction were amazing .. I am sure I've seen worse movies ..

Anybody agrees?


Well seeing as you posted in this in May to not one reply I guess no ones a agree's

I aint even heard of it. Fact what the hell am I doing on this page!



this film is an A++



This is easily the second best film i've ever seen on an aeroplane (the best being "the Sting" which still kicks the sh!t, even after the umpteenth time)... still can't make my mind up about Ian Holm's 'Noo Yoike' accent, though



This film is very, very good. Do yourself a favor and watch it.


I saw this film when it first came out, and it's still very powerful.

Sometimes a movie that is under-stated can be just as effective as one that tries to be larger than life.


AGREED - just watched this, superb and very absorbing. Dreyfuss is fantastic. It's very annoying, this film deserves much more recognition, it makes me sick that films like NORBIT will be infinately more popular with movie-goers! Idiots!! That's the general public for you.

One thing puzzled me, how come the internal affairs corruption scandal didn't ruin Casey's DA campaign, i'm sure his career would bite the dust there and then but it didn't seem to and went on to the matter of the search warrant forgery??


AGREED - Loved this film and it is seriously underrated. For a spot on crit check out Roger Ebert's 3.5 out of 4 review for the Chicago Sun Times.

If only you could see what I have seen through your eyes.


I checked this dvd out from the public library on a whim, and was thoroughly impressed. Great film; didn't realize that Gandolfini was in it until the opening scenes at the stake out. How is it that I never heard of this film? I only checked it out on a whim, noticed Lumet's name and figured it had have some worth. Didn't expect a kick butt film, though. Highly recommended.


i agree totally underrated


Great film.


One of my favorites.


Because his father was never implicated or prosecuted for police corruption. And of course no one found out about the search warrant forgery because the judge agreed with Liam and signed a search warrant with the date they wanted and told them to destroy the other warrant. Internal affairs never found out about that. It was a close call.


The corruption scandal was kept under the wraps by both IA and Casey (Garcia) during the campaign. The IA guy called Casey to inform him about the fact that Alegretto's name (Sean's father partner) was in Kleinhoff's book. IA wanted to work on the situation quietly, without damaging Casey's campaign. Only after Casey got elected, the scandal became public.


My favorite scene is when D.A Morgenstern Chews out his staff after Jordan Washington eludes capture, probably Ron Leibman's finest performance


I gave it an 8.

would definitely like to see a rating like 7.1 or so for it on IMDB.

there's something special about Lumet's movies, even the not THAT well acclaimed ones have that remarkable atmosphere.

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.


no question, a "terribly underrated" film.

look at the low i.m.d.b. rating (huh?)

i give it an "8" (on a scale of 6-9), as well.

also no question: lumet films are special events.

gregory 12211.


Agreed,very much so.I have viewed this film numerous times in 12 years...it is that good..due to Lumet,Holm and Gandolfini and Chianese.
The "New York look"..filmed in part in Georgia? I despise the word"gritty"because it is used so often by "young"film critics now..however it borders on it.
I am, however,tired,angry and ready to smack the next black or White creator,writer,director who tries to give in to the American black crime fact
and justify it.Some blacks love to sell drugs because most blacks must get high.
The large black american character was rather good..Jordan Something but he was almost too mean.
Lena Olin was a 10 in Havana but a 3 in this one.
I want to give this film a 7.Hollywood...get some backbone.
