MovieChat Forums > Nick Fury: Agent of Shield (1998) Discussion > His looks remind me of Solid Snake.

His looks remind me of Solid Snake.

From Metal Gear...well more specifically Big Boss in MGS 3. With the constant cigarette smoking and eye patch....and he kinda does look like Snake all together with the face and suit.

That and the very pale bald guy with the suit looks like he could pull off Agent 47 from the Hitman games.... ah wait they JUST showed more than one of them.


thats because he's a blantant rip off of Snake Pliskin from Escape from New York of which Solid Snake and Big Boss is based off of.


Maybe your not old enough, but Nick Fury comics were around way before Snake.


True that.


True that indeed


True that, to the third.

I'd say Snake Plisskin stole his whole style from Nick Fury, and then Snake Pliskin got jacked by Solid Snake.

I prefer to think of it as "paying homage to", rather than "stealing".


Don't forget Jim Rage, from Project S.H.A.V.E.


Nick Fury first appeared in 1963, Snake Plissken in 1981. 'Nuff said!

Still, Fury was hardly original. He was largely drawn from Hollywood war films, particularly those with tough sergeants, like John Wayne, in The Sands of Iwo Jima, and films like The Dirty Dozen. The S.H.I.E.L.D. period was derived from James Bond and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. He didn't come into his own until Steranko took over.

Plissken is somewhat based (at least in Kurt Russel's performance) on Clint Eastwood, both from the Spaghetti Westerns and Dirty Harry. The eyepatch on both is largely coincidence, as an eyepatch is an easy cosmetic indicator of battle wounds, and invokes the swashbuckling nature of the characters.

You can pretty much expect that anything in a video game was taken from a pre-existing movie, cartoon, comic book, or novel. Outside of the mechanics of game-play, video game authors aren't noted for original stories (nor is Hollywood, anymore).

Now Jim Rave, that was just pure genius!
