The Good and The Bad of 'Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
I've seen this movie a few times and while it's not one of the best comic book movies, it's certainly not one of the worst either. First of all, David Hasselhoff is not that bad as Nick Fury. He certainly looks the part and while his acting abilities may not be Shakesperean level, he actually did an admirable job here. The script, written by David Goyer, was full of cheesy dialogue. This is a letdown considering we are talking about the man who also wrote Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. If Hasselhoff had a better script to work with, he would have actually been able to pull this off. As far as acting goes, my problem lies with the actors cast as the villians. Sandra Hess, as sexy as she is, cannot act, nor can she pull off a Russian accent. My other problem with this movie was the special effects. I can't begin to say how disappointed I was here. The Life Model Decoys (LMD's) looked terrible. You are supposed to believe that these robots can pass for humans, but they didn't. This movie was a missed opportunity because I could have certainly seen it spawn off into a TV series.