worst movie ever...

were the people doing this movie on drugs?




I thought it was phnomenal. Only joking but not the worst ever. Hasslehoff shud have stuck to baywatch


you people has no sense of fun



Actors reading the script for the movie should have thrown it out immediately when they read the main character has an eyepatch!


I think the movie falls into the category "so bad it's good." Perfect for late night, post-pub watching, full of excellent cheesey one-liners.


not a great movie but not to bad abviously a low budget. hasselhoff had the look but not the acting skills to pull it off. decently scripted full of cheesy one liners you would expect from the comic book


Yup, and probably not even the good stuff ;-)

Worst movie however, still is Battlefield Earth!


I watched this movie on a plane, and it was awful. At first, the cheesy one-liners didn't even bother me. That is until the chief (or whoever he is) says something along the lines of "i grew up there and happen to know the prevailing winds of the area very well". Who the *beep* says that?! anyway, i plan to make a spoof of this movie to make having watched it not a total waste of time.


Hey stuntbiker,
I just caught this movie on FX and I nearly soiled myself when I heard that line. Seriously, who the hell knows what the prevailing winds of an area are like besides meteorologists?!?

Glad to see I'm not the only one who had a good laugh with that.


Battlefield Earth is at least funny. Manos the Hands of Fate is painful.


Come on, guys, the helicarrier was great. The only problem I had with it (a big one) was how easy it was to get through security on Hydra Island.





watching it now i think it was done as a joke


Of course it was done as a joke. If they wanted someone who would actually capture the true spirit/ethos/personality of Colonel Nick Fury, they would have got someone other than David Hasselhoff. The guy is only really good for soft porn and comedy anyway.


You know heh, it makes me laugh that people hate this move.
i was told about this movie after getting back into the comic scene a few years ago by a friend of mine who by all accounts has very good taste in films.
Now he like me is a total nutball about the idea of super-heroes and what not and when he told me he had this i was impressed that it even got made, Nick Fury not being one of the more popular characters in my eyes.
But what he told me before i watched it was this:

"For gods sake dont go into it thinking youre gonna see a great movie, just watch it for what it is."

So i did, and i quite enjoyed it. the reason being, that like the old Batman series it is so crap its good. plus we all know that David Hasselhoff hasn't taken himself seriously for a long time (or ever), and probably didnt here either.
i didn't mind it, wasn't too bad, and i thought they at least got what SHIELD MIGHT have been like a little bit right. But i think that perhaps they tried a bit too hard.
Oh well live and learn.


Why do people keep giving David Hasselhoff money for his acting or directing or anything else?
