the Director...

"I wanted to give more color and more depth to the characters, and bigger and better fight scenes. Our worst fight scene in this film is better than the best fight in the last film" said Leonetti, when asked what he wanted to do in the sequel.

Who chose a cinematographer to direct a production of this size? He was inept
to shot a decent fight scene to save his life. The fights were so poorly edited.
And the people in the movie were no-name characters threw in mindless fight scenes for no reason. I heard Paul Anderson wanted a R-rated sequel, but the studio said 'no', and then, Anderson directed "Event Horizon" istead.


LOL! Did he said that? Hahahahahahahahaahahaha!!!!!
What he have done is exactly the opposite!!! Couldn´t have made a worst sequel...
Some DPs are good directors, or at least they know how to shoot an action film even if the acting is bad...but this one blowed it everything!!!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


Yes Piranha. The people involved in this sequel said a lot of
*beep*. I heard the director wanted to show the "acting", not the action.
So, dozens of cool moves were removed in pos-production. Here is the Production Notes, if you are interested: They actually tried to do a better MK movie.
